HPLCCO Organization
3 min readSep 29, 2017


Why Bees Are Important to Our World

  • Pollinators vital to our food chain. One third of the food we eat because of honeybees & butterfly. they help to provide us verity of fruits & vegetables.
  • Bees or other insects are important part of a food chain.
  • honey bees are important for scientist or our nature to discover more
  • The tools that have evolved on the limbs and mouth-parts of bees are neat examples of adaptation and engineering.
  • honey is the created by honey bees, it is used in nutritional, craft, manufacturing, and Ayurveda medical applications.
  • Plants can be pollinated many ways but mostly they pollinated by wind or animals. Bees & butterfly help to reproduction in plants.
  • Honey bees are important pollinators to grow flowers, fruits and vegetables. It means that they help other plants develop!
  • Queen Bees: One queen runs the entire hive. Her work is to lay the eggs that will bring forth the hives up and coming age of honey bees. The ruler likewise creates chemicals that guide the conduct of alternate honey bees
  • pollinators like bees & birds are the good indicators or beauty of our planet they help to save our environment.

Bees are dying or diapering in USA

Overview of about 5,000 beekeepers over the United States has discovered 33% of the honey bees they oversaw passed on between April 2016 and September 2017. That detail sounds frightful, however it’s not as terrible as one would think. Whenever someone questions you, “Why the bees are disappear?” you can quickly gave answer rattle off these three reason: radiations, using pesticides, or chemical products and poor bee nutrition.


According to HPLCCO Organization bees are dying because of Affliction with Varroa mites also tends to weaken the immune system of the bees


Bees, the most important pollinators in most aggro-ecosystems, they are in dangerous condition because Electromagnetic radiation effected on bees they are destroying their colonies.

Poor Nutrition

Bees are dying due to poor nutrition or the stress of flying extra miles to forage Reduced nutrition due to loss of floral food sources.

What Would Happen if Bees will Die

Mostly people are afraid of bees, but that’s not really fair. Bees are our friends or best indicators of nature. This is really a bad news for our environment. Mostly crops are totally dependent on bee pollination without bees & butterfly or other insects we could not get many of these food and vegetables. If the bees will die then all humans would be dead in 4 years, bees are an pollinators they are important part of food chain they are connected to birds & flowers. Bees also deliver food for bird species, so if a cataclysmic event sent all our bees into rapture, the aftershocks would ripple up the food cycle. save bees save your life


