The Advice Your Doctor Isn’t Giving You about Getting Better Sleep

HP Somatics
2 min readApr 21, 2023


Uncovering the hidden truths about sleep that are often overlooked by medical professionals.

Are you struggling to get a good night’s rest when you know you need it?

Sleep is a natural process that occurs when we are relaxed and at ease. Yet sometimes, when we lay our head down to rest — we just can’t seem to make it happen.

If sleep is a part of the autonomic nervous system’s design, why is it that we feel like it doesn't come naturally?

If you experience this, here are things your doctor isn't telling you about sleep:

Sleep is about Letting Go of Control:

Sleep is a natural process that occurs when we are relaxed and not resisting the body’s inclination to rest. However, when we worry that we won’t fall asleep, and try hard to make it happen, sometimes we experience a fair amount of resistance.

By letting go of the desire to sleep, and accepting that the body knows what it needs, we can give it the necessary space to do its job.

Laying Down is EQUAL to Rest:

Sleep is essential for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As the body naturally knows what it needs, it is your job to give it the power to do it in it’s own timing. If you are struggling to trust this, remember that studies show that even if you’re not fully asleep, laying down with your eyes closed can give your body the same amount of energy and rejuvenation as you let go of the need to do anything.

The Power of Reverse Psychology: Some people like to go as far as using reverse psychology, and have found it helpful to say something like, “I bet I won’t fall asleep.” This helps shift the focus of needing to accomplish anything, and helps some people build acceptance around whatever their body ends up doing to receive restoration.

By trusting that sleep is something our bodies know how to do, we give space to let the autonomic nervous system do its job.

Now that the truth is out, you have nothing left to prove to yourself.

Rest is inevitable.

Happy Creating ✨




HP Somatics

Somatic psychology and blogger. I help people use somatic awareness for meaningful personal growth.