Industry use Cases Of JavaScript

8 min readAug 11, 2021


Introduction To JavaScript:

JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used to make webpages interactive (e.g., having complex animations, clickable buttons, popup menus, etc.). There are also more advanced server side versions of JavaScript such as Node.js, which allow you to add more functionality to a website than downloading files (such as realtime collaboration between multiple computers). Inside a host environment (for example, a web browser), JavaScript can be connected to the objects of its environment to provide programmatic control over them.

👉JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements such as operators, control structures, and statements. Core JavaScript can be extended for a variety of purposes by supplementing it with additional objects; for example:

•Client-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects to control a browser and its Document Object Model (DOM). For example, client-side extensions allow an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user events such as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.

•Server-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects relevant to running JavaScript on a server. For example, server-side extensions allow an application to communicate with a database, provide continuity of information from one invocation to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a server.

This means that in the browser, JavaScript can change the way the webpage (DOM) looks. And, likewise, Node.js JavaScript on the server can respond to custom requests from code written in the browser.

What JavaScript Can Do?

The center JavaScript dialect comprises of some broad programming attributes that empower you to do things like:

•Store helpful qualities inside factors. In the above occurrence, for instance, we ask for another name to be entered then store that name in a variable named name.
Operations on parts of the content (named as “strings” in programming). In the above occasion, we utilize the string “Player 1: ” and relate it to the name variable to produce the entire content name, e.g. ”Player 1: Chris”.
•Running code in light of a few occasions occurring on a site page. We took care of a tick occasion in our precedent above to recognize when the catch is clicked and later execute the code that refreshes the content mark.

How JavaScript Makes Things Dyanamic:

HTML defines the structure of your web document and the content therein. CSS declares various styles for the contents provided on the web document.

HTML and CSS are often called markup languages rather than programming languages, because they, at their core, provide markups for documents with very little dynamism.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a dynamic programming language that supports Math calculations, allows you to dynamically add HTML contents to the DOM, creates dynamic style declarations, fetches contents from another website, and lots more.

Uses Of JavaScript:

JavaScript is one of the most used languages in the market these days. Below graph shows a graphical representation of a company for all languages. JavaScript stands second in the lineup. It is mainly used in building websites and web applications. The other application of JavaScript is listed below.

1.Adding interactive behavior to web pages.

2. Creating web and mobile apps.

3.Building web servers and developing server applications.

4.Game development.

5.Great debugging tools for learning.

6.It’s a great foundational language for learning more powerful programming styles.

Core Features Of JavaScript:

•Validating User’s Input. JavaScript is very useful while using forms. …

•Simple Client-side Calculations. …

•Greater Control. …

•Platform Independent. …

•Handling Dates and Time. …

•Generating HTML Content. …

•Detecting the User’s Browser and OS.

Frameworks :

•Angular — Perhaps the most important JS development framework. Provides a Model-View-Controller architecture, and a fairly opinionated approach to rapid development. Developed by Google.
•Backbone — The main competitor to Backbone. The biggest difference is that Backbone is much less opinionated. Additionally, Backbone was originally abstracted from a Ruby on Rails application, so there are some conveniences in using the two frameworks together.
• — A real-time application library that includes a client-side library and a server-side node.js component.

How Industries Are Using JavaScript?

Now a days JavaScript is used everywhere, but just how are some of the world’s largest tech companies using JavaScript? For these 10 companies, JavaScript is immensely important, and that doesn’t look like it’s going to change any time soon.


Okay, so you’re probably not going to find JavaScript powering Windows anytime soon, but Microsoft relies on JavaScript for a whole lot else.

First off, Microsoft needs to work closely with JavaScript to built its Edge web browser. All browsers need to process and execute JavaScript efficiently, so Microsoft has developed and maintains its own JavaScript engine for Edge. Actually, there has been talk of them creating an alternate version of NodeJS with the Edge engine.

Recently, Microsoft has really embraced NodeJS. They thoroughly support Node on the Azure cloud platform. Its one of Azure’s major features, and they’ve integrated Visual Studio support for Node.

Microsoft has also developed a version of Node for Internet Of Things(IoT) applications. NodeJS is great of IoT because it’s light weight and efficient.

2. PayPal

PayPal has obviously been using JavaScript on the front end of their website for a long time, but that’s only the beginning.

The online payment giant was one of the earliest adopters of NodeJS. During an overhaul of their account overview page, they decided to try building the page in Node at the same time as their usual Java development. The NodeJS version worked out so well, that they chose to use it in production and build all client-facing applications in Node going forward. That means that most of what you see in your account is running on Node.

PayPal even went as far as to create and maintain their own version of Express, called KrakenJS. It’s pretty obvious that they like JavaScript over at PayPal.

3. Netflix

Like PayPal, Netflix started out using Java for just about everything. They too ran into problems with Java’s size and the time it required to develop.

Over time, Netflix moved away from its more traditional structure into the cloud and started to introduce NodeJS. With Node, Netflix was able to break down pieces of their user interface into individual services. This more distributed approach was able to speed things up an alleviate stress on their servers. Today, a large portion of Netflix’s interface is running on Node.

4. Facebook

You’re probably aware that Facebook uses JavaScript. It’s kind of hard to miss. What’s probably not as obvious is exactly how much JavaScript goes into making Facebook and how much Facebook is involved in JavaScript development.

Try disabling JavaScript in your web browser and going to Facebook. The website will actually stop you from logging in because it won’t work without JavaScript.

You may have noticed the way that Facebook loads. Each piece of the page is separate. Facebook has invented its own way of breaking down and delivering sections of JavaScript separately. In an odd way, each section of your Facebook page is a collection of independent JavaScript applications.

It doesn’t stop there. Facebook created React, one of the most popular front end frameworks. Facebook uses React on as well as Instagram and WhatsApp.

5. Google

How doesn’t Google use JavaScript? Seriously, it’s everywhere. Google’s search results that spring up as your typing get there with JavaScript. The Gmail web client is powered by JavaScript. Google Docs? Yeah, that’s JavaScript too.

Google develops and usually open sources it’s own JavaScript tools. The most obvious example is AngularJS. Angular is used most prominently in Google’s DoubleClick advertising platform, but it’s also one of the most popular front end frameworks available. It’s even part of the MEAN stack.

Google’s more intensive services, like Google Docs, use Closure Tools. This set of tools compiles JavaScript into a lower-level faster form more suited for rich and highly responsive web applications.

There’s another big point to touch on. Google developed Chrome. Chrome, being a web browser, needed a JavaScript engine, so Google also made V8. V8 not only powers Chrome, it’s at the heart of NodeJS. So, without Google, there would be no Node.

6. LinkedIn

LinkedIn relies on NodeJS for its mobile site. A few years back, LinkedIn used Rails for its mobile site. As with other other large Rails applications, it was slow, monolithic, and it scaled poorly.

LinkedIn switched over to NodeJS to solve its scaling problems. Node’s asynchronous capabilities allowed the LinkedIn mobile site to perform more quickly than before while using fewer resources. Node also made data sharing and building APIs easier for the LinkedIn developers.


Conclusion :

JavaScript is a wonderful technology to use on the web. It is not that hard to learn and it is very versatile. JavaScript is also not restricted to browsers. The speed and small memory footprint of JavaScript in comparison to other languages brings up more and more uses for it from automating repetitive tasks in programs like Illustrator, up to using it as a server-side language with a standalone parser. The future is wide open.


