Demystifying Interceptors in Java EE: A Comprehensive Guide

2 min readSep 24, 2023


In Java, interceptors are a concept often associated with frameworks like Java EE (Enterprise Edition) or Jakarta EE. Interceptors allow you to define cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, and transaction management, in a modular and reusable way. They are particularly useful in enterprise applications to ensure consistent behavior across multiple components.

Here’s an explanation of interceptors in Java:

  1. What Are Interceptors?

Interceptors are components that can intercept method calls or lifecycle events of other components (such as EJBs — Enterprise JavaBeans). They allow you to perform actions before and after method invocations, effectively “intercepting” the execution flow of a method. Interceptors can be used for various purposes, including validation, logging, security checks, and more.

2. Annotation-Based Interceptors:

In Java EE and Jakarta EE, interceptors are often defined using annotations. Some commonly used annotations include:

  • @Interceptor: This annotation marks a class as an interceptor. Interceptor classes contain methods annotated with @AroundInvoke that define the intercepting behavior.
  • @AroundInvoke: This annotation is used on methods within interceptor classes. Methods annotated with @AroundInvoke intercept method invocations, allowing you to add behavior before and after the intercepted method is called.
  • @Interceptors: This annotation is used to specify one or more interceptor classes that should be applied to a specific target class or method.

3. Interceptor Lifecycle:

Interceptors follow a specific lifecycle when intercepting method calls:

  • The interceptor class is created by the container when it’s needed.
  • The @AroundInvoke method within the interceptor class is called before the intercepted method.
  • The @AroundInvoke method can perform pre-processing tasks and then invoke the intercepted method.
  • After the intercepted method completes, the @AroundInvoke method is called again, allowing for post-processing tasks.

4. Use Cases:

Interceptors are commonly used for various purposes, including:

  • Logging: Recording method invocations and their parameters.
  • Security: Checking user authentication and authorization before allowing method execution.
  • Transaction Management: Starting, committing, or rolling back transactions around method calls.
  • Performance Monitoring: Measuring and monitoring the performance of specific methods.
  • Exception Handling: Handling exceptions thrown by intercepted methods.

5. Configuration:

To configure interceptors in a Java EE or Jakarta EE application, you typically use deployment descriptors (e.g., beans.xml) to specify which interceptor classes should be applied to which beans or methods. Additionally, you can use annotations to mark beans and methods as interceptors or targets for interception.

Here’s a simple example of an interceptor in Java EE:

public class LoggingInterceptor {
public Object logMethod(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Entering method: " + ctx.getMethod().getName());
try {
return ctx.proceed(); // Proceed with the intercepted method
} finally {
System.out.println("Exiting method: " + ctx.getMethod().getName());

In this example, the LoggingInterceptor intercepts method calls, logs when a method is entered and exited, and then proceeds with the method's execution.

Remember that the exact usage and configuration of interceptors may vary depending on the Java EE or Jakarta EE version and the specific application server or framework you’re using.

