Family Partay

Hat G
7 min readApr 7, 2019


Well I lost my phone so I have no documentation of the week leading up to my family coming after spring break, buttt it basically consisted of learning about banana pancakes which is eggs and mashed bananas only and it is the best breakfast ever and having to be taken to the grocery store by Meghan and Celeste because I have no money. Meghan told me I was very chatty in my sleep with her this week. Completed my paper prints in screenprinting and watched Ladybird with the roomies. Me and Celeste went and chilled on the dam in the middle of the river in the sun on Thursday also and hung at La Cite super cute bookstore/cafe. We also explored the student union/occupied space called LaPolveriera with lots of graffiti and it smelled like poop.

Friday was a makeup day for classes so I went to graphic design with Meghan and we ended up just taking Silvia’s camera and going to the market and taking pictures of yellow and orange stuff for our magazine it was a BEAUTIFUL day so sunny and warm and we also got this chocolate rice krispie kind of thing? from the desert counter at the market. We got back and both took a nap with the window open in the sun so nice. Later I met Celeste on the other side of the river at Santa Spirito and we sat in the sun and Celeste drew and then we went home. Later Celeste came back over and with the squad we went and sat on the steps of Santo Spirito and basically people watched and drank wine it was very cute.

Was supposed to meet the fam in Paris for the weekend but they had some horrible travel complications and long story short I met them in Florence Saturday afternoon and they had an airbnb half a second from my apartment. Saturday morning I went to the market again with my roomies and then they went and got sushi and I went home and made eggs and spinach and potatoes and it felt like summer and I was listening to music and had the windows open it was so warm and pleasant. Later I met the fam at the airbnb, they came by and met my roommates and then I took them across the river and they were super out of it and complaining about the walk lol. We had a great meal and sat outside in Santo Spirito and drank spritz and wine.

So we took 3 trains to get to Cinque Terra in the morning and dad was fascinated by the coffee machines and we got there around 1 and had some little pizza breads for lunch and sat on the rocks at the water and watched little fishes. We went on a hike from Vernazza to Corniglia and it was pretty intense and such beautiful cliffs and ocean and cacti and little altars and yeah. Stopped halfway and got some fresh squeezed lemon and orange juice. Some random people saw mom’s naked butt. We somehow ran into Penny Hawthorne also lol. Then me and Dad were going to hike to the next town but the trail didn’t exist but we went down to this stone beach and I sat in the water for a while and then we trained to the next town and had dinner as the sunset and we had seafood and it was so tasty and then we played cards and ate gelato and waited for our train home. We got off a stop early for a connection and were totally doomed but this girl made but the same mistake and we were in it together and somehow got to the right station and our connecting train was delayed so we made it and it was a miracle we got home on time.

The next day I had class all day and then we went to Piazza Michaelangelo for the sunset and then up to San Miniato and then walked in the direction of Santo Spirito and chose this restaurant that was so so amazing I had shrimps and gnocci and Adam and Dad got wild boar. Had tirimisu and panna cotta for dessert :0 so nice to eat good food and drink good wine and ball out and have a long nice meal. On Tuesday we walked to the Cascine in hopes of going to the market there but it didn’t exist… so we hung by the water and the sun came out. Then I took the fam to my favorite place Ara and we all got arancini and canoli and it was so fckin good as always never disappoints. I had class and we had Chris for our teacher because Justin is gone the whole week which was fun to hang and chat with Chris who is the studio manager guy. Also p.s. I love Nicki and Danny also in my class the artist-in-residences they are such nice people. After that I met the fam getting wine and then we tried to go to our restaurant but it wasn’t open yet so we went across the street to a bar owned by some dude from Chicago and he gave us Doritos and then we went to dinner and all had amazing pizza and prosecco. Then we went back to their apartment in Santa Croce and watched Queer Eye and Brooklyn 99 and I ate everyone’s pizza leftovers the next day for lunch. On Wednesday I met them after class again and we went to dinner at Simbiosi and had more prosecco and then I went out with the peeps to Yab and me and Celeste met some random Florentines and smoked at their house. On Thursday I had Tina’s class and she was wearing a bright green long shiny silk coat and matching scarf and told us “they” were making a documentary about her but it was really just her students following her around for a class project so we got espresso at the market and all our ingredients and had so much foooood. We had cannelini beans, roasted potatoes, Florentine steak, sausage, asparagus with lemon sauce, bread, and greek salad and then for dessert we had ice cream with fresh strawberries from the market. Ate so much ice cream. Had sculpture again with Chris and then left with the family on the train for Rome.

