What is HR Desk?

HR Desk
3 min readJan 20, 2017


HRDesk is a comprehensive, web-based HR tool. HRDesk includes a timekeeping and payroll system which conveniently utilizes cloud technology for a faster and more efficient gathering of reports from multiple branches with the use of an internet connection. With an additional leaves and loans management modules and your own recruitment portal, HRDesk aims to enable you to spend your valuable time focusing on your core business.

With HRdesk, reliability and efficiency is our top priority. No more messy paperwork, sifting through endless amounts of timecards when you can just filter out an employee. HRdesk also removes the human error factor, with everything integrated and automated with set parameters for easy use. We know that collecting and check every employee’s time cards from every branch is hard work. Every changes to the time card for every employee such as changing schedules, overtime and different shifts while the head office is left with a massive load of timecards to check for corrections. It allows branch supervisors/managers to manage their timecards in each branch, edit each employee’s time shifts or overtime and sync the data to the head office. Every changes being made will be recorded and can be reviewed by the head office of course, and it saves a lot of time, time that can be used for other more important work.

HRDesk is 100% usable either online or offline. Even without internet connection, our system still keeps your records safe. Synchronize your records anytime, anywhere, even on the go with our cloud based technology. Other subpar systems out there, if any, let’s you calculate the number of hours worked by an employee. Manually. This leads to a lot of human errors and inconsistencies. HRDesk calculates the number of hours automatically from the time you clocked in till the time you clock out, no more, no less. HRDesk allows you to set your own payment rules to cater to your needs. If your manager’s does not have overtime, while your laborers does, HRDesk allows you to set rules to adjust your employee’s payroll needs.

HRDesk helps employees to reduce their workload tremendously.

Benefits of HR Desk for the users are:

No more useless and unpayed overtime

No more buddy-punching, ghost employees and time theft

The time you work for is the pay you get. No more, no less.

Significantly reduces the payroll cycle

No need to collect time cards fro every branch

Saves you lots of costs by removing human error

Provides you with control

HRdesk is the perfect system for managing your timekeeping since it allows no mistake to be made.You clock-in, clock-out and sync. The system knows if you have overtime or not so there’s no wasted hours. Perfect for those hardworking individuals who have trouble managing their payable hours.

This is where biometrics come in handy, and HRDesk is also comfortable dealing with. People sometimes do things like Buddy-Punching; where one person clocks-in for another person in a company. HRDesk requires people’s biometrics in order to clock-in, therefor removing the possibility of paying someone who isn’t even there in the first place, also eliminating so called “ghost employees”, making a huge amount of savings by getting rid of time-theft. HRDesk also comes with it’s own leave management module, along with it’s efficient payroll system. There’s no more useless payable hours, no more unwanted payed leaves. Simple and efficient, your employees get what they deserve.

With HRDesk, everything is integrated. Our timekeeping and payroll solutions can save your company dozens of work hours, time that can be used on much more important things like focusing more on the core business of the company and not chasing down unprofitable paperwork. With this, your HR/Head office is set free from unneeded stress and anxiety.With our Cloud-based technology, you can save a lot of money from your courier expenditures by simply syncing your data to the main office, thus sending your timecards automatically. Not only does it save time and money from courier and internet spending. It also does the work efficiently.

Official Website: http://hrdesk.ph



HR Desk

A website that helps HR leader for their works. HRDesk aims to enable you to spend your valuable time focusing on your core business