Title: Simplifying Local State Management in React: Context API vs. Redux

Mahmudur Rahman
5 min readMay 1, 2024



In React applications, managing local component state efficiently is crucial for building scalable and maintainable codebases. When dealing with state that needs to be scoped to specific components, such as product details and comments on a product page, developers often turn to state management solutions like Redux or the Context API. In this article, we’ll explore both options, focusing on the complexities of multitab issues and state cleaning, and how each solution addresses these challenges.

Part 1: Managing State with Redux

Problem with Redux:

Redux provides a powerful centralized state management solution, but it can introduce complexities when dealing with local component state and multitab scenarios.

Redux Example:

// productsSlice.js
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { fetchProduct } from './api';

const initialState = {
products: {},

const productsSlice = createSlice({
name: 'products',
reducers: {
setProductData(state, action) {
const { productId, productData } = action.payload;
state.products[productId] = productData;
removeProductData(state, action) {
const productId = action.payload;
delete state.products[productId];

export const { setProductData, removeProductData } = productsSlice.actions;
export default productsSlice.reducer;
// ProductPage.js (Redux example)
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { setProductData, removeProductData } from './redux/productsSlice';

const ProductPage = ({ productId }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const product = useSelector((state) => state.products.products[productId]);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetchProduct(productId);
dispatch(setProductData({ productId, productData: response.data }));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching product data:', error);


return () => {
// Cleanup specific product data when component unmounts
}, [dispatch, productId]);

useEffect(() => {
// Cleanup specific product data when tab is closed
const cleanup = () => {

window.addEventListener('beforeunload', cleanup);

return () => {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', cleanup);
}, [dispatch, productId]);

return (
{/* Render comments */}

export default ProductPage;

Part 2: Simplifying with Context API

Context API Advantage:

The Context API offers a simpler alternative to Redux for managing local component state, especially in multitab scenarios.

Context API Example:

// ProductPageContext.js
import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const ProductPageContext = createContext();

export const ProductPageProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [productData, setProductData] = useState({});

useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
// Cleanup logic when tab is closed

return () => {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
// Cleanup logic when tab is closed
}, []);

return (
<ProductPageContext.Provider value={{ productData, setProductData }}>

export const useProductPage = () => React.useContext(ProductPageContext);
// ProductPage.js (Context api example)
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useProductPage } from './ProductPageContext';
import { fetchProduct } from './api';

const ProductPage = ({ productId }) => {
const { setProductData } = useProductPage();

useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetchProduct(productId);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching product data:', error);


return () => {
// Cleanup logic when component unmounts
}, [productId, setProductData]);

// Render product data

return (
{/* Render product data */}

export default ProductPage;

Part 3: Comparison

Multitab Issue and State Cleaning:

In Redux, maintaining state consistency across multiple tabs can be challenging due to its single global store nature. Changes made in one tab will automatically reflect in all other tabs, which can lead to undesired behavior when managing state for individual components or pages.

When dealing with multiple tabs in a Redux environment, cleaning up specific product data upon navigating away from the product page becomes a significant concern. Since Redux does not inherently provide mechanisms to isolate state changes to specific tabs, developers must implement custom cleanup logic to ensure that only relevant data is removed when a tab is closed or navigated away from.

This custom cleanup logic often involves tracking the lifecycle of each tab and managing the removal of corresponding product data manually. Developers must carefully handle scenarios where a user closes or navigates away from a tab, ensuring that only the data associated with that particular tab is cleaned up to prevent unintended side effects in other tabs.

Context API Advantage:

In contrast, the Context API simplifies the process of managing state across multiple tabs by offering a more localized approach to state management. Each instance of the ProductPageProvider manages its own state, scoped to the component subtree. Therefore, when a component unmounts, such as when navigating away from the product page or closing a tab, the state associated with that specific product is automatically cleaned up.

This automatic cleanup removes the hassle of managing cleanup logic manually in Redux. Developers can rely on the built-in mechanisms of the Context API to handle state cleanup, reducing the complexity and potential for errors in managing state across multiple tabs.

Additionally, the Context API ensures that changes made in one tab do not affect the state of other tabs, providing a more isolated and predictable behavior. This isolation is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex applications where maintaining distinct state for different tabs is crucial for overall application stability and performance.

In summary, while Redux offers powerful state management capabilities, managing state across multiple tabs and ensuring proper cleanup of specific product data can be more cumbersome compared to the simplicity and automatic cleanup provided by the Context API. Depending on the project requirements and preferences, the Context API may offer a more straightforward and efficient solution for managing local component state and ensuring consistent behavior across multiple tabs.


While Redux offers a robust solution for state management, its centralized approach can introduce complexities in scenarios like managing local component state across multiple tabs. The Context API, on the other hand, provides a simpler and more intuitive solution, especially for scoping state to specific components and handling cleanup logic. By understanding the trade-offs and considering the specific requirements of your application, you can choose the right state management approach to ensure a smooth and efficient development experience.

