Free Public APIs for Developers

Hrishikesh Kumar
4 min readAug 20, 2023

Often there are times when a frontend developer wants to check some new framework/ create a new good-looking UI for their personal/pet project but doesn’t want to have the extra tension of creating a backend API.

If that’s the case, well I have good news for you as there are many free public APIs you can use to create that perfect-looking UI you wanted to build without the hassle of maintaining a backend on your own.

So what is a public API:

A public API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules, protocols, and tools that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. It provides a standardized way for developers to access specific functionalities or data from a software application, service, or platform, without needing to understand the internal workings of that application.

A public API is considered “public” because it is made available to external developers and third-party applications, allowing them to build upon, integrate with, or extend the capabilities of the original software. Public APIs are commonly used to enable the development of plugins, integrations, mobile apps, and other software that can interact with a service or platform.

Key characteristics of public APIs include:

1. Documentation: Public APIs are accompanied by comprehensive documentation that explains how to use the API, including the available endpoints, methods, request and response formats, authentication requirements, and usage examples.

2. Standardization: Public APIs adhere to certain standards and protocols that ensure consistency in communication. This makes it easier for developers to integrate the API into their applications.

3. Versioning: APIs can evolve over time as the software they are built on undergoes changes. Proper versioning of APIs ensures that existing applications continue to function while allowing developers to adopt new features or improvements.

4. Authentication and Security: Public APIs often require authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access the data or functionality. This helps maintain security and protect user data.

5. Rate Limiting: To prevent abuse and ensure fair usage, many public APIs implement rate limiting, which restricts the number of requests a developer can make within a certain timeframe.

6. Use Cases: Public APIs can serve a variety of purposes, such as retrieving data from a service (e.g., weather data, social media posts), performing actions (e.g., posting to social media), or integrating with third-party services (e.g., payment gateways).

Listing the free public API’s for use, The endpoints are defined on the website for usage.:

JSONPlaceholder API: JSONPlaceholder is a free online REST API that you can use whenever you need some fake data. It can be in a README on GitHub, for a demo on CodeSandbox, in code examples on Stack Overflow, …or simply to test things locally.

Weather data: A number of APIs are present for the weather-based data. Here are some famous ones:

News API: Developers can use NYtimes API to render news articles, archives, and even books using this API.

Google books API: Using the Google Books API, your application can perform full-text searches and retrieve book information, viewability, and eBook availability. You can also manage your personal bookshelves.

OpenLibrary API: Open Library offers a suite of APIs to help developers get up and running with our data. This includes RESTful APIs, which make Open Library data available in JSON, YAML, and RDF/XML formats. There’s also an earlier, now deprecated JSON API which is preserved for backward compatibility.

The Movies DB API: There is proper documentation for this API and this can be used for getting information on the movies. Maybe even create a movie shelf-based UI.

Google Search API: The Google Search API is a tool that allows you to access and integrate Google’s search engine results into your applications. It provides a range of functionalities such as searching for web pages, images, videos, news articles, and more.

With this API, you can create customized search experiences for your users, as well as extract and analyze search data. But it’s important to note that as of September 2021, Google has deprecated the Google Search API and replaced it with the Custom Search JSON API.

ECommerce API: These APIs help developers integrate eCommerce platforms into their applications. They allow you to manage product catalogs, process orders, and payments, and create online stores and shopping apps.

Popular examples of eCommerce APIs include Shopify API, WooCommerce API, and Magento API.

Dictionary API: This API allows you to access dictionary data and integrate it into your applications. It provides functionalities such as word definitions, synonyms, antonyms, translations, and more.

With this API, you can create language-related applications such as word games, language-learning apps, and translation tools.

Examples of dictionary APIs include Merriam-Webster Dictionary API and Oxford Dictionary API. These APIs provide developers with a vast collection of word-related data that they can use to create various language-related applications.

Quote APIs: Quote APIs give you access to a collection of famous quotes, sayings, and phrases from various authors, celebrities, and historical figures.

These APIs allow your to retrieve quotes and display them in your applications or websites, and they often include features for searching and filtering quotes based on different criteria, such as author, category, or keyword. Examples of quotes APIs include the Quotes Free API.



Hrishikesh Kumar

Data Science Enthusiast || Full Stack Developer || NLP || Machine Learning