GSoC Week Progress #5

Hrishi Patel
2 min readJun 24, 2019


Hope you had a nice week, I am back with another update :P

So the Phase 1 evaluations are near like, today. This week I shifted my focus to the next part of the project, the Tamagotchi widget. If you haven’t heard of a Tamagotchi (toy), it's like a digital pet, which evolves. We are doing something similar here, hence the name. The XO icon on a Sugar desktop will be an XO icon, for a lifetime. Why not change that to something interesting. So now you know what is my project, a major transformation of the XO icon on the desktop.

Sugar Desktop, see the XO icon in the center.

To do this, we need to have icons which can replace the XO, not completely replace though, we are still using it. So we are dividing the icon transformation to three phases: 1) Embryo: A fresh environment, with not more than 10 journal entries, 2) Teen: A moderately used environment, with journal entries between 10 to 50. We are using the XO icon here. 3) Adult: When there are more than 50 journal entries. These numbers (10, 50) are just test thresholds, we can make it more dynamic later.

Earlier last week, I worked on a few variations of XO icon for teen and made an embryo icon. I had to test those changes, so I did a little trick to see if the icon works as expected. This is the very first test:

Ye! It works as expected

All the icons (embryo, teen and adult) plumps reflecting the disk space (current variations are for when disk space is 50% and 90%). We are updating the XO icon every minute, I am using GObject.timeout_add() for this. I implemented embryo at this point:

I couldn’t record the other transformations (teen and adult) because of the one-minute threshold. I will record it after I change the threshold to test.

This week I am looking forward to redesigning the icons and complete polish the Dashboard.

Another note, my college just started today. It won’t affect my GSoC work because college is early. That’s all for the week’s update. Thanks! Claps are appreciated.

