Room Database in android with Kotlin-Coroutines

Hrithik Sharma
5 min readOct 10, 2021


The Room is an Android persistence library which provides an abstraction layer over SQLite.

Room is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for mapping our database objects in android. It is part of the Architecture Components.

This is the perfect choice when your application needs to store the user’s data locally to handle the case when the user goes offline or any network failure happens.

Components of RoomDB

  • Entity — A class that describes a database table when working with Room
  • DAO (Data Access Object) — A mapper of SQL queries to functions
  • Database — For on device storage
  • Repository — Primarily used to manage multiple data sources
  • ViewModel — Communication center between data and UI


  • SQLite database and the SQLite query language
  • Basic idea of Kotlin-Coroutines (don’t know what’s this, read here)
  • Comfortable with Classes and Objects in Kotlin

Now, let’s get start the code

Create a new android project

  • Go to File>New>New Project
  • Select Empty Activity and click Next
  • Give your project a suitable name and enter package name (or leave it as default)
  • Select Kotlin as Language and choose Minimum SDK (you can get help from Help me choose)
  • Click Finish
  • After some processing time, the Android Studio main window will appear (make sure you have active internet connection)

Add dependencies

Open build.gradle (app level) file

and add this in dependencies{}

Note: Make sure that id 'kotlin-kapt' is added in plugins{} or you will get a gradle exception while syncing the project.

Create a Model or Entity

It is the table for the database having Entity annotation. Room creates a separate table for each class that has entity annotation with field of the class as columns of the table. So, must create a Primary Key and give a name to the table.

Follow the steps

  • Create a new data class FoodItem
  • Annotate with @Entity with table name before class definition
  • Create fields name and price
  • Make name primary key and give both fields suitable column name

Code for the entity class :

Note: Make sure that when you use this entity then for every object you create, give unique string to the Name otherwise the new data will override the old data as name is the primary key of the table.

Create DAO (Data Access Object)

Here, we are going to associate SQL queries with the function calls like

  • Getting all food items alphabetically
  • Add new food item
  • Delete a food item

Follow these steps to create DAO

  • Create a kotlin interface FoodItemDao
  • Annotate with @Dao
  • Create functions for above tasks in the Dao interface

Code for the DAO:

  • Flow<> from kotlin-coroutines is used to observe data changes in the database. Using a return value of type Flow in the method description, Room generates all necessary code to update the Flow when the database is updated. When Room queries return Flow, the queries are automatically run asynchronously on a background thread.
  • suspend fun are generally used to handle long running tasks without blocking the main thread. Learn more about suspend function here
  • @Insert and @Delete are DAO method annotations where SQL query is not required but there is no annotation to get a list of items so we have to add query manually for this using @Query
  • OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE ignores the conflict when adding new item if the item is already present in the table.

Implement the Room Database

Room is a database layer on top of an SQLite database. Room uses the DAO to issue queries to its database.

Create an abstract class FoodItemRoom and extent it with RoomDatabase() and add this code to the class:

version and exportSchema are mainly used when we have to make Database Migrations, that's why exportSchemais set to false here.

In case you want to learn more about Migrations

Create Repository

The repository class is responsible for interacting with the Room database and will need to provide methods that use the DAO to insert, delete and query items.

  • Create a kotlin class FoodItemRepository
  • Pass FoodItemDao as an argument
  • Add this code in the class

In insert() and delete() functions we are directly inserting and deleting food item without ensuring that long running tasks shouldn't perform on the main thread because room by default runs suspend queries off the MainThread and we are not required anything else to implement.

Implement ViewModel

The ViewModel is responsible to provide data to the UI and survive configuration changes such as screen rotations. Learn more about view model

  • Create a kotlin class FoodItemViewModel and extend with ViewModel()
  • Now add this code
  • To launch a new coroutine ViewModels have a coroutine scope based on their lifecycle called viewModelScope, is used here.
  • Created the ViewModel and implemented a ViewModelProvider.Factory that gets as a parameter the dependencies needed to create FoodItemViewModel : the FoodItemRepository

Instantiate Repository and Database

To have only one instance of the database and of the repository in the entire application create them as members of the Application class.

  • Create a new class MyApplication that extends Application
  • Here’s the code for the application class

Note: Do not forget to update AndroidManifest.xml , set MyApplication as application android:name

All done with the implementation of Room. Now only thing remaining is connection of data with the UI.

Manage Data in Activity

  • Open MainActivity.kt and create viewModel before onCreate() function of the activity

Now you can call the functions we have created in FoodItemViewModel like get all food items, add new item, delete an item.

  • Get All Items

In onCreate() function of the activity add this code

  • Add New Item and Delete old Item

When you want to add new item or to delete an existing item then use foodItemViewModel to access all the functions.

Tip: After adding or deleting items from the database you don’t need to update the UI because viewModel observe the data changes in the database and by default execute observer foodItemViewModel.allFoodItems.observe() and whatever task you have perform in the observe() , room will execute that task automatically.

Isn’t it just wow…


Showing Data from Database

This is just a demo to test that data is saved in room database or not.

This code should be in onCreate() method of MainActivity.kt after setContentView()

Tip: If the foodItemList returned by the foodItemViewModel is null, this means that no data is present in Room and you have to first insert items in the database.

After running the app this dialog appears

According to the query we write in DAO class for getting all the food items, the list of food items is sorted alphabetically.

Summing up…

This post has demonstrated how to use Room Persistence Library to store data in a local database.

If you want a deep dive in Room Database then you should refer this Codelab

Thank you for reading 🙏

Keep learning, Keep growing 🙂



Hrithik Sharma

I am an Android Developer, built products that people will use to solve real world problems.