According to the Federal Reserve Americans owe over $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, with the average borrower owing $37,667

3 min readMay 15, 2024
Photo by Etienne Martin on Unsplash

The American Shackles of Educated Servitude

Once again, that hallowed experiment in crony capitalism masquerading as a republic has managed to enslave its youth in a pit of debt peonage — all for the grievous offense of pursuing an education. How droll. How American.

According to the money-lenders at the Federal Reserve, the nation’s students and former students now collectively owe a staggering $1.6 trillion in loans for the privilege of being indoctrinated. The average debt-serf shoulders a burden of nearly $38,000 before even donning a mortarboard. A right princely sum for the new feudal underclass.

It’s almost enough to make one pine for the cruel simplicity of the lash. At least that method of subjugation had the decency of transparency. But no, our modern aristocracy prefers the sophistry of compelling the young to indenture themselves for the prospect of a remunerative future. A

