Defendants in Panama Papers Trial Who Laundered Money For the World’s Billionaires have Been Acquitted

4 min readJun 29, 2024

The acquittal of the 28 defendants in the Panama Papers case is not merely a miscarriage of justice; it’s a brazen middle finger to the very concept of accountability in our capitalist system. On June 29, 2024, a Panamanian court, with all the moral authority of a fox guarding the henhouse, declared that there was “insufficient evidence” to convict these paragons of financial chicanery.

This verdict is a triumph of wealth over justice, a stark reminder that in our world, money doesn’t just talk — it silences. Eight years of investigation, 85 hours of trial, 27 witnesses, and over 50 pieces of documentary evidence have been casually brushed aside like so much inconvenient dust.

The Panama Papers scandal involved a wide range of individuals, from the founders of the law firm at the center of the leak to numerous wealthy and powerful figures worldwide. Here are some key people involved:

Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca: The founders of Mossack Fonseca, the

