Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports

2 min readMay 20, 2024

The Pied Piper of Electric Vehicles Reveals His True Colors

Once hailed as a visionary champion of free markets and technological progress, Elon Musk has unmasked himself as a rank hypocrite, shamelessly advocating for the very protectionist policies he once derided. In a stunning reversal, the Tesla CEO now clamors for tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, abandoning his long-professed principles at the altar of corporate self-interest.

Musk’s call to erect trade barriers against Chinese rivals reeks of the worst kind of special pleading, a naked attempt to insulate his company from the harsh winds of competition. For years, he postured as a free-trade evangelist, railing against government intervention and extolling the virtues of unfettered capitalism. Yet when confronted with the formidable challenge posed by innovative, cost-efficient Chinese manufacturers, his resolve crumbles like a house of cards.

