How Socialist Countries are Outpacing the U.S. in Everything from GDP to IQ

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7 min readAug 4, 2024


Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

In recent years, several socialist-leaning countries have demonstrated remarkable progress not only in terms of GDP based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) but also in areas such as intelligence, innovation, and IQ. Notably, China and Sweden stand out as primary examples of this trend.

Economic Performance: GDP PPP

China has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, boasting the highest GDP based on PPP, estimated at $31.227 trillion in 2023, surpassing the United States, which stands at $24.662 trillion. This significant economic growth is a testament to China’s strategic economic policies and large-scale industrialization. Sweden, while not as large as China, also demonstrates strong economic performance, with a high GDP per capita based on PPP, reflecting its efficient and innovative economy.

China accounts for around 28% of global manufacturing output, compared to 17% for the United States .

Over the past decade and a half, China has been the main driver of

