How The IMF and Western Banks Debt Trapped Kenya Sparking Nationwide Protests

6 min readJun 24, 2024

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) involvement in Kenya’s economic affairs has come under intense scrutiny as the country grapples with a mounting debt crisis and widespread public unrest. Far from being a solution to Kenya’s economic woes, the IMF’s policies appear to be exacerbating the country’s financial struggles and social tensions.

Kenya’s external debt has skyrocketed from $10.2 billion to $34.8 billion between 2013 and 2020, a staggering increase that raises serious questions about the sustainability of the country’s financial obligations. Despite this alarming trend, the IMF has continued to approve loans to Kenya, most recently a $1 billion package, ostensibly to address economic challenges and climate change. This approach of throwing more money at a debt-ridden nation seems counterintuitive at best and predatory at worst.

