Mark Zuckerberg Used Shell Companies to Intimidate Native Hawaiians, Take Their Land and Build a Apocalyptic Bunker

4 min readJan 25, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg’s Hawaiian Bunker: Allegations of Land Grab and Evictions

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), has been embroiled in controversy over his extensive land acquisitions and development plans in Hawaii. In particular, there have been allegations that Zuckerberg used shell companies and legal maneuvering to pressure local residents off their ancestral lands, enabling him to build a sprawling compound that reportedly includes an underground bunker.

The Acquisition of Koolau Ranch

Zuckerberg’s involvement in Hawaii began in 2014 when he began purchasing large tracts of land on the island of Kauai. Over the years, he has acquired over 1,600 acres, amassing a property known as Koolau Ranch. The land is located in a remote and environmentally sensitive area, and Zuckerberg’s plans for development have raised concerns among local residents and environmental groups.

