Oklahoma is Now Required to Teach Students About the Bible and The Ten Commandments in All Public Schools

2 min readJul 1, 2024

Oklahoma’s top education official, Superintendent Ryan Walters, has mandated that public schools in the state must now incorporate Bible teachings into their curriculum for students in grades 5 through 12. This controversial directive, issued on June 27, 2024, requires immediate implementation and strict adherence from educators.

Walters, a former history teacher, argues that the Bible is a crucial historical document necessary for understanding the nation’s foundation, Western civilization, and the legal system. He emphasizes the Bible’s influence on the Constitution and the country’s origins, stating that it’s essential for students to grasp these historical contexts.

The mandate specifies that schools must teach about the Bible and the Ten Commandments, although the exact instructional standards and implementation details remain unclear. Walters has indicated that the state Department of Education may provide teaching materials to ensure consistency in delivery.

