Pigs are Now Considered the 5th Most Intelligent Creatures on Earth

4 min readDec 26, 2023
Photo by Lucia Macedo on Unsplash

Pigs are widely recognized as one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. They are ranked as the fifth most intelligent animal, even surpassing the intelligence of dogs.

Pigs have demonstrated remarkable cognitive abilities, such as playing video games with more focus and success than chimpanzees.

They also possess exceptional object-location memory, allowing them to remember the location of food sources.

Additionally, pigs have a sophisticated sense of direction, enabling them to find their way home from considerable distances.

They can even understand the concept of reflection at a very young age, a feat that takes human children several months to comprehend. Pigs are highly trainable, with the ability to learn their names in just two weeks and respond to commands. They also exhibit empathy and can respond to the emotions of other pigs, which is a rare trait in the animal kingdom.

Research and observations have highlighted the remarkable intelligence of pigs

