Study: Males are Voting Far-Right in Record Numbers, While Females are Voting Left in All Western Countries

The Gender Voting Gap: Women Lean Left, Men Shift Right in Western Democracies

5 min readJul 2, 2024

Recent studies and election data reveal a significant and growing gender gap in voting preferences across Western democracies. Women, particularly younger women, are increasingly supporting left-leaning parties, while men are showing stronger support for right-wing and far-right parties. Here are ten statistics and findings that highlight this trend:

1. Switzerland: In the 2015 Swiss parliamentary elections, women were more likely to vote for left-wing Social Democrats and Greens, while men favored the right-wing Swiss People’s Party and the center-right Radical Party

2. Germany: The modern gender gap in voting behavior became evident in the 2017 election, with women increasingly voting for left-wing parties compared to men

3. Western Europe and Canada: Research shows that young women across these regions are more left-wing than their male counterparts. This trend is particularly pronounced among women born after 1955

