The number of Slaughterhouses in the UK has declined from 320 in 2003 to just 249 in 2018, a drop of over 20% in 15 years

The Decline of UK Slaughterhouses: A Victory for Animal Welfare

4 min readMay 6, 2024
Photo by Gilles DETOT on Unsplash

The steady decline in the number of slaughterhouses across the UK is a positive development that should be celebrated by those concerned with animal welfare and the ethical treatment of sentient creatures. Over the past 15 years, the number of red meat abattoirs in the UK has dropped by over 20%, from 320 in 2003 to just 249 in 2018.

This trend is set to continue, with estimates that one third of the UK’s abattoirs will have closed within the next 10 years

There are several factors driving this decline, including labor shortages due to Brexit, rising operational costs, and burdensome bureaucracy. While the meat industry may lament these closures, animal advocates should view them as a victory for compassion and ethical consumption. Smaller, independent slaughterhouses are disappearing at a rapid rate, replaced by larger, industrialized facilities that prioritize efficiency over animal welfare.

The closure of these smaller abattoirs is significant because they often had more humane practices and closer connections to the local farming community. In contrast, the…

