The U.S. and Ukraine Held Peace Talks in Switzerland but Refused to Invite Russia

3 min readJun 17, 2024
Photo by Marjan Blan on Unsplash

Ukraine and U.S. Hold Lopsided “Peace Talks” by Excluding Russia

In a move that drew criticism for its contradictory nature, Ukraine and the United States organized a “Summit for Peace” in Switzerland this June, rallying support for Kyiv’s vision of ending the conflict. However, the glaring absence of Russia — one of the two main belligerent parties — at the two-day event raised serious doubts about its credibility as an authentic peace process.

Over 90 countries attended the summit in the Swiss resort town of Lucerne, including top Western allies like France, Germany, and Japan. But Russia was deliberately left out of the guest list by the Ukrainian organizers, who have insisted on Russia’s complete withdrawal from occupied territories as a precondition for any negotiations.

China, which had proposed its own peace plan earlier calling for an inclusive process with “equal participation of all parties”, boycotted the Lucerne summit over the lack of…

