The world’s 8 richest billionaires have the same wealth as the poorest 50% of the global population of 3.8 billion people

3 min readJun 1, 2024

The Billionaire’s Plutocracy

The statistics are as revolting as they are indisputable. A tiny cadre of grotesquely engorged plutocrats — a mere 8 individuals — have amassed fortunes so staggering, so grossly obscene, that their combined wealth equals that of nearly 4 billion of the most destitute people on this benighted planet.

One can picture these 8 bloated oligarchs, their multiple chins aquiver with avaricious glee, lounging on their solid gold space yachts as they look down upon the teeming masses and laugh — laugh at the very idea of economic justice or an equitable distribution of resources. For what could be more amusing to these rapacious robber barons than the quaint notion that the riches of the world ought to be shared?

No, these corpulent masters of the universe subscribe to a different philosophy — the cult of wealth acquisition at any moral or ethical cost. Theirs is a creed of greed…

