Check to see if the two provided strings are anagrams of each other. One string is an anagram of another if it uses the same characters in the same quantity.

Hrusikesh Swain
2 min readNov 25, 2022


  • Only consider characters, no spaces or punctuation
  • Consider capital letters to be the same as lowercase


  • anagrams(‘rail safety’, ‘fairy tales’) === true
  • anagrams(‘RAIL! SAFETY!’, ‘fairy tales’) === true
  • anagrams(‘Hi there’, ‘Bye there’) === false

Let’s address this interview question using below two approaches

First Approach

function anagrams(strA,strB){
// this pattern "/[^\w]/g" will remove spcaes and punchuation and convert into an char array using split
const firstArray = strA.replace(/[^\w]/g,"").toLowerCase().split("");
const secondArray = strB.replace(/[^\w]/g,"").toLowerCase().split("");
//creating empty objects
const firstObj = {},scondObj = {};
for(let item of firstArray){
//checking if item already exist
//checking if item already exist then only increament its value by one
//newly added an item into an object with initializing value to 1
firstObj[item] = 1;
for(let item of secondArray){
//checking if item already exist
//increament its value by one
//newly added an item into an object with initializing value to 1
scondObj[item] = 1;
//provides length of items contained by firstObj
//checking for length of both objects because if not then they are not anagrams straightforward
if(Object.keys(firstObj).length === Object.keys(scondObj).length){
let isAnagram = true;
//looping through the firstObj and checking if any where is there any condition where value of any key from both objects are different with some function
if(value !== scondObj[key]){
isAnagram = false;
// break the loop by returning true for some function
return true;
return isAnagram;
return false;

console.log(anagrams('rail safety', 'fairy tales'));

Second Approach

function testAnagrams(strA,strB){
//removing spaces and exclamation mark etc ... and converting into lowerCase
const cleanStrA = strA.replace(/[^\w]/g,"").toLowerCase();
const cleanStrB = strB.replace(/[^\w]/g,"").toLowerCase();
//creating array of characters form string
const firstArray = cleanStrA.split("");
const secondArray = cleanStrB.split("");
//sorting the array and again converting it into string with join method and checking if equal or not
if(firstArray.sort().join("") === secondArray.sort().join("")){
return true;
return false;
console.log(anagrams('rail safety', 'fairy tales'));

This one is a bit easy and straightforward forward so go with this one if asked in any interview to solve this type of anagram question in javascript.



Hrusikesh Swain

Tech enthusiast interested in Android ,React, Javascript, Node , AWS etc.