Write a function that accepts a string. The function should capitalize the first letter of each word in the string and return the result.

Hrusikesh Swain
2 min readNov 25, 2022



  • capitalize(‘a short sentence’) → ‘A Short Sentence’
  • capitalize(‘a lazy fox’) → ‘A Lazy Fox’
  • capitalize(‘look, it is working!’) → ‘Look, It Is Working!’

This is one of the common important questions asked in javascript interviews let's get it done below by following different approaches

First Approach

function capitalize(str) {
//getting the array of chars from string by splitting it with space
const array = str.split(" ");
//creating an empty array to make it more easier
const arrayB = [];
//looping through the array
for(let item of array){
//getting the first element by index and convert it into uppercase char
//getting rest of chars from the string anf adding it with the first one
// returning new array with uppercase char of first char of each word
return arrayB.join(" ");
console.log(capitalize('a short sentence'));

Second Approach

This is going to be a little bit tricky where we are going to loop through the original string and check if the previous char is a space then capitalize the char otherwise do nothing just add it

function capitalizeWord(str){
//for the first char of sentence we need to manully capitalize it as there is no space before it
// the regex exp is added to check if first char is a letter not like ? or anything else used in some other languages
// like spanish lang where a sentence can be start with ?
let tempStr = str[0].match(/[a-z]/i) ? str[0].toUpperCase() : str[0];
//looping through rest of the elements of string
for(let i=1; i<str.length;i++){
//checking if previous item is a space the capitalize and add it to temp string
if(str[i-1] === " "){
tempStr = tempStr+str[i].toUpperCase();
tempStr = tempStr+str[i];

return tempStr;

console.log(capitalizeWord('a short sentence'));

I think the second approach is the best one which needs a little bit of practice so if asked in any javascript interview any such type of questions go with the second approach.



Hrusikesh Swain

Tech enthusiast interested in Android ,React, Javascript, Node , AWS etc.