CWD Global

Harwinder Singh
1 min readJun 27, 2022


A white paper is more than a structured collection of functions, it is a clear indication of company goals and values. Starting from the history of the company’s creation and the morale behind it, it helps you dive into what drove the company to become what it is today, to grasp the team’s inspiration, and thereafter to see how they brought it to life within the specific market.

CWD Global is an open source DAO with its own blockchain, created in 2019. The platform developers took the works of Daniel Larimer — the creator of the DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus and the BitShares blockchain as foundation, and built on top of it with 50 new operations to create a platform that aims to guarantees equality to all its users.

A decent undertaking is commendable all the time of consideration and backing. I’m happy I entered this task. I figure this task will change the future and will take a main situation among other.

#cwdglobal #daocwdglobal #blockchain #bitshares #forkbitshares #dpos #cwdphoenix #DAOCWDGlOBAL

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