Solar Blox


SolarXell applied Big Data from NASA and Metronome, AI to calculate and forecast the power
generation in the next 30 years at the specific latitude, longitude location and IoT for actual
consumption. We used these kinds of things for seven consecutive years. Furthermore, we can
plug in solar in every type of human transportation such as land in the form of ground-mounted,
the air in the form of rooftop and carport, and water in the form of floating solar. Also, SolarXell
has multi-national companies (MNCs) as its clients, unintentional promises that we can operate
SolarBlox smoothly 365/24/7.

This is a really good opportunity. I have chosen and completely believe in this project. One of the most promising and successful projects to date.

#cryptosolar #cryptomining #cryptosolarmining #solarmining #cleanmining #fentech

