How to Achieve Concentration?

HSCP For You
2 min readSep 20, 2022

Concentration is a condition that the mind cannot keep constantly in hand. The harder you try to achieve concentration and the harder you push yourself, the more difficult it will be for you to concentrate. That is why the methods used to improve concentration are indirect. For example, eliminating external stimuli that attract the mind makes concentration easier.

Attention disorder gives you three messages:
1.You are not using your brain according to the instructions to work.
2.It means that you are not reading what you are reading correctly
3.You are violating your concentration threshold.

In any case, our attention is turned inward or outward. If we are dreaming, we cannot see the landscape in front of us. If we are talking to ourselves in our heads, we cannot understand what we are reading. Now raise your head and look at a surrounding object. Visualize your elementary school and the things you experienced while looking at that object. As you can see, as your mind plunges into a dream, the object also becomes blurred. Because the brain perceives the inner image and the outer image through the same channel. As soon as you realize that you are dreaming or thinking about different things, since there is a need for outward attention while studying, you…

