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The LeetCode Illusion: Unmasking the Flaws of Fast-Track Tech Hiring

Heather Leffew, PhD
4 min readNov 12, 2023


In the competitive landscape of tech recruitment, the quest for efficiency has led many companies to adopt a seemingly streamlined approach: using platforms like LeetCode as the cornerstone of their hiring process. This method, while fast and seemingly objective, harbors fundamental flaws that can lead to suboptimal hiring decisions and long-term organizational inefficiencies. This article delves into the critical issues with this approach, including its bias towards candidates with ample preparation time, its potential exclusion of neurodivergent individuals, and its misalignment with real-world job demands.

The Efficiency Mirage in Tech Recruitment

The tech industry’s embrace of algorithmic challenges from platforms like LeetCode is driven by a desire for an efficient, standardized assessment method. However, this method may inadvertently prioritize process over people, leading to a range of unintended consequences.

The Real-World Skills Gap

LeetCode-style problems focus on theoretical, algorithmic problem-solving, which, while intellectually stimulating, often diverge significantly from the practical challenges faced in typical software engineering roles. This disconnect can result in hiring individuals who excel in abstract challenges but may lack the practical skills or adaptability needed in everyday work scenarios.

The Unintended Bias of 'LeetCode Grinding'

A significant issue with the heavy reliance on LeetCode is the inadvertent advantage it gives to those who have the time and resources to extensively practice these specific types of problems, a phenomenon often termed 'LeetCode Grinding.'

  • Advantage for Those with More Time: Individuals who are currently students or between jobs may have more time to dedicate to practicing LeetCode problems. In contrast, candidates who are employed full-time, especially in demanding roles, may not have the luxury of spending countless hours on LeetCode.
  • Disadvantage for Experienced Professionals: Seasoned professionals, who are contributing significantly in their current roles, might be at a disadvantage as their day-to-day work does not typically involve solving algorithmic puzzles. Their practical and on-the-job skills may be undervalued in a LeetCode-centric hiring process.

Excluding Neurodivergent Talent

The format of LeetCode interviews - time-pressured, high-stakes, and focusing on abstract problem-solving - can be particularly challenging for neurodivergent individuals. This group can include people with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurological differences, who might excel in a real-world work environment but find the artificial and pressurized interview setting daunting and unrepresentative of their true abilities.

  • Different Cognitive Styles: Neurodivergent individuals often have unique and valuable cognitive styles that are not adequately captured by standard coding challenges. Their strengths in areas like pattern recognition, attention to detail, or creative problem-solving can be overlooked.
  • Stress and Anxiety Factors: The high-stress nature of algorithm-heavy interviews can exacerbate anxiety, making it difficult for neurodivergent candidates to perform at their best.

The Long-Term Cost of Short-Term Efficiency

The focus on LeetCode-style interviews, while seemingly efficient, can lead to significant long-term costs for organizations.

  • Performance and Cultural Misalignments: Employees who perform well in coding challenges may not necessarily fit well with the team or align with the company’s culture, leading to performance issues and potential disruptions in team dynamics.
  • Increased Attrition Rates: The mismatch between interview expectations and job realities can lead to higher turnover rates. The cost of hiring and training new employees, coupled with the loss of team cohesion and morale, can be substantial.

A Call for Balanced and Inclusive Hiring Practices

To address these issues, tech companies need to adopt a more holistic approach to hiring.

  • Diverse Skill Assessment: Evaluating candidates on a broader set of skills, including practical coding abilities, project management, teamwork, and soft skills, can lead to more successful, well-rounded hires.
  • Inclusive Interview Formats: Creating interview processes that accommodate different styles of thinking and problem-solving can help tap into a wider range of talent, including neurodivergent individuals.
  • Long-Term Hiring Strategies: Prioritizing the long-term success of the team and the organization over the perceived short-term efficiency of the hiring process can yield better outcomes in terms of employee performance, satisfaction, and retention.

Conclusion: Rethinking the Role of LeetCode in Tech Hiring

While platforms like LeetCode offer valuable tools for assessing certain technical abilities, an over-reliance on them in the hiring process can lead to a narrow, homogenized talent pool and overlook candidates with diverse, real-world skills and unique perspectives. By adopting more comprehensive and inclusive hiring methods, tech companies can make better, more sustainable hiring decisions that contribute to their long-term success and innovation. The true efficiency in hiring lies not in the speed of the process, but in the quality and fit of the candidates it brings into the organization.



Heather Leffew, PhD

Hi there! I'm a psychologist passionate about research, data science, and organizational culture.