Akita dog breed details and pictures (Canis gray wolf breed)-Dogiman

15 min readApr 20, 2021

Akita is a Japanese national dog and a family pet dog in Japan. Akita Inu is the largest fox breed in Japan, and this large fox breed is quite eye-catching even in countries where there are many fox breeds like Europe and the United States. In Japan, the Akita dog is a dog with national historical and cultural significance. It is a national dog. It is famous for its “Faithful Dog Hachiko” and is the only large dog in the national natural monument designated by Japan. The dog is very brave, sensitive, loyal, and intelligent, and there are many stories about his loyalty.

Akita Prefecture is the birthplace of the Akita Dog. The northern part of the area is mountainous and the winter is very cold. The Akita is a capable working dog and housekeeping dog. Villagers often take the dog to hunt wild boars and bears. The dog’s best skill is to help hunters find the prey that has been hit in the snow or the water. the host.

History of species


The ancestor of the Akita Inu is the “Mataji” (Mataji, mountain hunting dog) called “Akita Mataji” (Akita マタギ). Originally, large dogs did not exist among Japanese dogs, and Akita Mataji was a medium-sized bear hound. In the Edo period, the Akita area in the northern part of the Dewa country was settled by the Satake clan. The Satake clan was a collateral vassal transferred by the Changlu Kingdom after the Battle of Sekihara. Around 1630 (the 7th year of Kannaga) during the Keicho period, fighting dogs were offered as rewards to cultivate the fighting spirit of the clan. This dog breed became the original breed of the Akita dog, but it was called the “Odate dog” in the Odate and Nobel region at that time.

In the past, only royal families and nobles could own Akita dogs. At the official ceremony, people will announce the correct way to care for and raise Akita dogs. The leash of the tied dog is different, which means that the Akita dog’s rank and the status of the owner are different. People use specific names when talking about Akita dogs. Every Akita dog is taken care of by a special person, and this person is dressed in gorgeous clothing that is equivalent to the status of the dog being cared for.

Due to changes in the preferences of those in power, the interest in Akita dogs is high and low. In the next 300 years, Akitas faced extinction several times. Fortunately, people’s love for Akitas allowed them to survive the Meiji era. At the beginning of the 20th century, during the Showa period in Japan, Japan began to gradually ban fighting dogs, and the number of Akita dogs was drastically reduced. Later, some people advocated protection and became known as the national dog.

When the 20th century came, and the opening of Japanese society, under the influence of European culture, dog keeping became a fashion. The Japanese government attaches great importance to Akita dogs and provides subsidies to dog owners who are unable to raise Akita dogs. Later, some people of insight suggested that the purebred pedigree of the Japanese dog should be preserved, and the Akita dog was once again valued and re-reproductive improvement and purification. In 1927, Japan began to protect purebred dogs. In May of this year, the “Japan Akita Dog Preservation Association” was formally established.

In 1927, Japan set out to protect purebred dogs. In July 1931, the Japanese government designated the Akita dog as a national symbol. Around the world, it has now become a family dog, and it is loved by people. Today, a newborn purebred little Akita dog is sold for about 200,000 yen (about 12,000 yuan) in the market.

Looking at the evolution of the Akita Inu, you will find that the reproduction of the Akita Inu in the Japanese is the next step towards perfection. In 1931, the Akita Inu has officially declared a natural monument of Japan, and there was also the Akita Inu Natural Memorial Museum. However, this Akita dog, known as the Japanese national dog, has a very rigorous and scientific management system in Japan. Many years after the “Japan Akita Dog Preservation Association” was formally established, this management system limited to Japan has further restricted Akita. The export of dogs makes Japanese Akita dogs rarely seen except in a few countries and regions such as Japan. At the same time, the economic development of Japan also restricts the export of Japanese Akita dogs. Being rich makes most of the fine Akita dogs not for sale, and the excellent Akita dogs offer amazing prices. [4]

United States

Helen Keller was the first person to bring the Akita dog to the United States. When she visited Japan in 1937, the Minister of Education gave her a two-month-old small Akita dog. Later, the dog died, and the Minister of Education gave her another Akita dog. The popularity of the Akita in the United States was after World War II. This is due to the American soldiers, who love this smart and highly adaptable dog. After the war, the soldiers took the Akita dog home to raise it. The Akita Dog Club of the United States was established in 1956. In October 1972, the American Kennel Club officially recognized the Akita and officially participated in the exhibition of the working dog group on April 3, 1973.

Morphological characteristics

Body type
It is of medium size, with its tail curled forward and close to its back, with its ears erect. The height of the male dog is 66.0 cm ~ 71.1 cm, and the height of the bitch is 61.0 cm ~ 66.0 cm. The head is large and wide, with rich facial expressions. The body structure is compact and powerful, with a strong skeleton. The broad head, blunt triangle, deep-set muzzle, small eyes, and straight forward ears forming a straight line with the nape of the neck are the obvious characteristics of this species. The huge, curly tail contrasts with the broadhead, which is also a characteristic of this breed.

Double hair. The inner layer is thicker, softer, denser, and shorter than the outer layer. The outer hair is upright, rough, and slightly flared. The hair on the head, legs, and ears is shorter. The hair on the withers and buttocks can reach up to 5 cm in length, which is slightly longer than the hair on other parts of the body except for the tail; the tail has the longest and most abundant hair.

Any color, including white, with stripes and dots, is fine. The color is eye-catching and clear, and the spot color is harmonious. Star spots or masks (big black faces) are also fine. The white Akita does not have a mask, and the spots on the white background are on average dotted on more than 1/3 of the head and body. The color of the inner layer of hair may be slightly different from the color of the outer layer of hair.


The head is strong and the forehead is broad. The depression is obvious, with visible grooves extending straight to the forehead, and the bridge of the nose is straight. The tail is very long and powerful. Lips closed tightly. The nose is dark and wide. Sometimes a black-brown nose is allowed on a white Akita, but black is best. A light-colored nose is unqualified. The ears are one of the characteristics of the Akita dog. They are strong and upright and look slightly smaller than the head. If the ear is close to the head, the tip of the ear will be

Reach the eye socket. The ears are triangular in shape with slightly rounded tips. The roots of the ears are broad and not very low on the head, extending forward along the nape of the neck. Drooping and folded ears are substandard. The eyes are small, triangular, and dark brown. The lips are black and do not sag. The tongue is pink.


The neck is stout and muscular, relatively short, thicker the closer to the shoulders. The ratio of body length to height is 10:9 for males and 11:9 for females. A wide and deep chest with a depth of 1/2 the height of the shoulder. The ribs bulge normally and the pectoral muscles are well developed. The back is level, and the psoas muscles are strong, slightly adducted. The skin is flat, but not loose. Light bone and a thin body are serious disadvantages. The shoulders are strong and strong, slightly set back; the front legs are strong and straight when viewed from the front; the pasterns are inclined 15 degrees forward from the vertical.

Adduction or eversion of the elbows and loose shoulders are slightly inferior. Like the first half, it is broad, muscular, and strong bones. The thighs are relatively developed, the hip joints are properly bent, and the leg joints are properly downward neither adduction nor eversion. The hanging toe of the front leg is usually not removed, and the hanging toe of the hind leg is retracted without eversion. The feet are similar to cat feet, with thick pads, toe knuckles up, and feet straight forward.

Characters and specialties

Akita belongs to the working dog group. It was bred in Japanese royal or noble families hundreds of years ago. It is famous for bullfighting and hunting, and was awarded the title of “Most Respected Hunter”. The hunting dogs, once only kept in the hands of the royal family and nobles, developed on a large scale in the 20th century with the passage of time and the progress of society. After the Second World War, the Akita dog came to the United States with the American troops stationed in Japan. After nearly 30 years of continuous improvement by American Akita lovers, the American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the breed in 1972, and it has been beautiful since then. It is an Akita dog.

His mighty and majestic physique, vigorous energy, brave and fearless character, always maintain a high degree of vigilance, giving people a sense of calmness and calmness. In recent years, with the development of my country’s kennel industry, Akita dogs have begun to enter the Chinese market. In the “2010 Kunming All Dog Breeds Exhibition and Training Competition”, the Akita is a dog breed participating in the competition.

Mode of reproduction

When the Akita is one and a half years old and fully developed, it can engage in mating behavior. When mating is successful, the Akita enters the gestation period. The pregnancy period of the Akita dog is about sixty days, during which the nutrition of food should be strengthened. At the same time, during pregnancy, Akita dogs are not allowed to do vigorous exercises to avoid miscarriage. The Akita dog is very active, so during pregnancy, to satisfy the Akita dog’s desire, but also to ensure the Akita dog’s health. Breeders need to take the Akita dog out to walk the dog frequently so that the Akita dog can walk more and do some soothing exercises. Reserve the necessary power for production.

Reproduction technology

Because Akita dogs are inherently hostile to other animals, most Akita dogs are bred individually. Akita dogs will enter estrus when they are 8–12 months old, and they can be bred at this time. Before the Akita dog is bred and bred, the breeder must be prepared accordingly. For example, looking for the best breeding partner for Akita Inu. The female dog enters estrus at the age of 8–12 months. In the next two years, there were about three to four recurrent heats. When the Akita is one and a half years old and fully developed, it can engage in mating behavior.

Feeding matters

Basic matters

  1. Although the fur of the Akita dog is short, it needs to be groomed every day.
  2. Akita Inuhara is a hunting dog. It has a certain wild nature. It must not be kept indoors. They must be allowed to go out for walks, runs, jumps, and other activities.
  3. Akita dogs are prone to filariasis. Outdoor breeders should pay attention to the environmental hygiene of the kennel and prevent them from forming a bad habit of lying around.
  4. From the puppies period, the Akita should be more in contact with outside dogs and people outside, and cultivate a good habit of inducing it to be friendly and tolerant to people. If kept closed forever, it will form a bad habit of being too alert to people and even treating people with a hostile attitude.



  1. Chocolate contains caffeine and an ingredient called theobromine. These ingredients cause great damage to the heart and central nervous system of Akita dogs. Akita dogs can easily be poisoned and die if they eat too many of these substances.
  2. Sulfur in onions and garlic can damage the red blood cells of Akita dogs and cause anemia.
  3. Chicken bones are small and sharp and tend to burst into spikes. Stabbing the dog’s mouth and intestines.
  4. Both bovine bones and pig bones can cause damage to Akita dogs. Small bovine or pig bones can also easily wear down the intestines of Akita dogs. If the bones stick together, they may hinder the functioning of the intestinal system.

For bathing

Before taking a bath, be sure to comb the coat, so that the tangled hair can be combed to prevent the coat from becoming more tangled, especially the parts of the Akita dog that are least willing to be combed. When grooming, to reduce and avoid the pain of Akita, you can hold the root of the hair with one hand and groom it with the other.

The temperature of the bathwater should not be too high or too low, generally 36 degrees in spring and summer, and 37 degrees in autumn and winter is the most appropriate.

When taking a bath, be sure to prevent the bath liquid from flowing into Akita’s eyes and ears.

When flushing, do not let the foam of the bath liquid stay on the Akita dog to prevent skin irritation and dermatitis.

Bathing should be done in the morning or noon. Do not bathe the Akita in humid weather or rainy days.

After taking a bath, immediately wipe off the water droplets on the Akita dog with a towel, and then dry it with a hairdryer. Do not put the Akita dog in the sun directly after bathing. Because bathing can remove a lot of oil from the coat, this reduces the Akita dog’s ability to keep warm and skin resistance to a certain extent. A cold and hot can easily lead to cold in the Akita dog and severely cause pneumonia.

Disease aspect

Genetic disease

  1. Hip hypoplasia
  2. Hypoparathyroidism

Common disease

  1. Allergic dermatitis
  2. Acute gastric dilatation and torsion
  3. Gradual retinal atrophy
  4. Sebaceous adenitis
  5. The canine herpes virus disease

Suitable population

Akita is loyal to the owner and family, has a stable personality, and is docile with his family. Therefore, it has always been popular in Japan as the most popular dog breed, and it is an excellent family companion dog.

FCI standard

Akita’s FCI number: 255

Akita’s FCI belongs to the group: Group 5: Pointy-billed dog and primitive dog breed group

Akita’s height: male Akita’s shoulder height is 26.0–28.0 inches (66.0–71.0 cm), female Akita’s shoulder height is 24.0–26.0 inches (61.0–66.0 cm)

Akita’s weight range: male Akita weighs 75.0–119.1 lbs (34.0–54.0 kg), female Akita weighs 77.2–110.2 lbs (35.0–50.0 kg)

Akita’s head (head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, muzzle, jaw, teeth)

Skull: More symmetrical than the body. The forehead is wide and clearly sunken. No wrinkles.

Stop: Obvious.

Nose: Big and black. Only white dogs can have a slight lack of pigment in the nose, but black is the best.

Muzzle: Appropriately long and strong, with a broad base, tapering but not pointed. The bridge of the nose is straight.

Jaw/Teeth: The teeth are strong, with a shear bite.

Lips: tight.

Face: Well-developed.

Eyes: Relatively small, the eyes are almost triangular due to the height of the outer corner of the eye. The eyes are properly separated, dark brown; the darker the better.

Ears: Relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the tips, properly spaced, erected, and inclined forward.

Akita’s torso (neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, front of the torso, skin)

Neck: stout and muscular, relatively short, thicker the closer to the shoulders.

Chest: A wide and deep chest with a depth of 1/2 the height of the shoulder; the ribs normally bulge, and the chest muscles are relatively developed.

Back: Level, with strong psoas muscles, slightly adducted.

Elbows: Adduction or eversion, loose shoulders are slightly inferior.

Akita’s limbs (front-drive, shoulders, upper limbs, glue joints, glue bones, soles, hindquarters, thighs, hock joints, joints, and hock nails)

Shoulders: The shoulders are strong and strong, slightly set back; viewed from the front, the front legs are strong and straight; the pasterns are inclined 15 degrees forward from the vertical.

Forearm: Straight, with heavy bone.

Hindquarters: Same as the front half, broad, muscular, and strong bones. The thighs are relatively developed, the hip joints are properly bent, and the leg joints are properly downward neither adduction nor eversion.

Feet: Thick, round, arched, and tight.

Akita’s Tail

Tail: Set high, thick, curled happily, raised over the back, and the tip almost touches the hock when drooping.

Akita’s gait/movement

Brisk and powerful steps, medium-length steps, strong backs, stability, and level. The movement of the hind legs and the front legs is kept in a straight line.

Akita’s disqualification conditions

Defects: Any deviation from the above points is considered a defect, and any dog with obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities is a disqualification. ·Unobvious gender characteristics·Protrusion of lower jaw or upper jaw·Lack of teeth·Blue or black spots on tongue·Colorful iris·Short tail·Shyness·Ears, not erect·Dropped tail·Long hair (fluffy hair)·Black face· Markings on white background.

Why are Akita dogs dangerous?

Why are American Akita dogs considered dangerous? Like Pit Bull dogs, the American Akita has a scissor-shaped jaw. This means that its bite is very powerful and its jaw cannot be opened until the dog decides to release it.

Is an Akita a good family dog?

The Akita is a bold and willful dog, naturally wary of strangers but extremely loyal to their family.

Why is Akita banned?

The Akita faces bans in many cities across the United States. According to the Akita Rescue of the Mid-Atlantic, these dogs “have a reputation for being aggressive.” So, “in any encounter with other dogs or uninformed people, whether your dog was the aggressor or not, expect the Akita to be blamed.”

Do Akitas bite their owners?

Do Akitas bite their owners? Akitas do not bite their owners, unless they are not properly trained, did not learn socialization, or are provoked. Akitas are incredibly loyal dogs.

Will Akita really protect you?

Akitas are not normally aggressive towards people, but do have a very well developed protective instinct. Akitas are natural guardians of the home and do not require any guard-dog training.

Akita characteristics

The Akita is a bold and willful dog, naturally wary of strangers but extremely loyal to their family. They are alert, intelligent, and courageous. They tend to be aggressive toward other dogs, especially those of the same sex.

What are Akitas known for?

Akitas are muscular, double-coated dogs of ancient Japanese lineage famous for their dignity, courage, and loyalty. In their native land, they are venerated as family protectors and symbols of good health, happiness, and long life.

Are Akita dogs dangerous?

Akitas are a wolf-like breed. Akita’s attacks have mostly occurred in home situations. There have been 70 attacks, eight deaths and 52 maimings, according to the report covering the period between 1982 and 2014.

Akita diet

Traditionally, rice, fish, and sea plants were the main foods of Akita dogs. There should be a perfect balance of all the nutrients in the diet of an Akita for the proper growth of the dog. Premium puppy food should be fed to them till the age of 4 months.

What kind of dog food is best for Akita?

The Blue Buffalo Wilderness Large Breed Adult Salmon Recipe is a great choice for large-breed dogs like the Akita because it is rich in high-quality proteins to support lean muscle mass. This formula is made with deboned salmon, chicken meal, and tapioca starch as the top three ingredients.

Can Akitas eat raw meat?

Question: Do some list members feed their Akitas raw meat? Many list members do advocate feeding raw meat, most often chicken.

Akita care

Routine Care, Diet, and Exercise

Brush her coat as needed, at least weekly.

Akitas often have serious problems with their teeth, so you’ll need to brush them at least three times a week!

She’s a large dog with lots of energy, so keep her mind and body active, or she’ll get bored. That’s when the naughty stuff starts.

Are Akitas high maintenance?

The Akita is both strong-willed and independent. So it’s pretty obvious this is a high-maintenance dog. The American Kennel Club notes the Akita is a somewhat active dog who needs a fair amount of exercise.

Akita noises Why do Akitas grunt?

Contrary to many people’s perception, an Akita owner understands that Akitas don’t bark. They are very friendly in that they groan, grunt, and make noises as a way of communicating, but rarely bark.

Originally published at https://www.dogiman.com on April 20, 2021.

