Meet Udio. The ChatGPT Moment for Music!

3 min readApr 29, 2024


An AI with an ear for music

Image made by Author in Blender

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way we create, experience, and distribute music. What was once the exclusive domain of human creativity and intuition has now opened its doors to computers. The developers of Udio, including one of Gemini’s co-leaders, have created a tool that, in their own words, “anyone with a tune, some lyrics, or a funny idea can now express themselves in music.” Welcome to the new era of AI-assisted music.

The Challenge

One of the most persistent challenges with earlier AI-generated audio models was their tendency to produce sound that felt artificial or inauthentic. Despite advancements in technology, these models often struggled to mimic real instruments or human voices, resulting in music that sounded like Siri attempting to sing over a… is that a guitar?

Enter Udio

Udio has managed to create audio models that closely mimic the intricacies of real instruments and human vocals. It also paves the way for new applications and creative opportunities in the music industry. This new tool, along with its un-copyrighted products, is perfect for any musician in need of a quick “prototype” or anyone with a musical-idea who does not have the resources to execute it. The best part is, it is all free! (for now) Get it while it lasts! The possibilities are endless!

Fun fact: Udio is Audio spelled without the A


These are some of my favorites that other users have generated using the platform. They display Udio’s wide range of skills.


The future of AI is full of promise to reshape the way we create, experience, and interact with music. As technology advances, AI-generated music will become more indistinguishable from human-created music, enabling new levels of creativity and efficiency in the industry.

But something in me still wants to listen to human music, despite how similar they may sound. There is something about the lack of time and effort needed to create these songs. While this is a cool new innovation in the music side of AI, I think music made the old fashioned way will be here to stay.

What do you think?

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Professional software engineer since age 14. Programming since age 6. Python is my love language. 🐍