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The Best Programmers use Google (and you should too)



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Google is a touchy topic when it comes to programming. Some are strongly against it while others could not live without it. We will look at both sides of this argument and attempt to come up with a solution.

Argument #1: Absolutely No Google

One side of the argument claims that using Google should be avoided at all costs. Here are some reasons why a programmer should avoid Google:

Weak Programmers

Programmers that use Google become too reliant on the information they gather. They end up copy/pasting code without actually comprehending the underlying principals. They rely on Google to do all the work for them. Copying solutions from online also leads to very jagged code that is difficult to customize for a client’s needs. Weaker programmers result because Google has been doing all the problem solving for them. This also means that if a problem has not been solved on the internet, the programmer is ill-equipped to deal with it. Given this evidence, any real programmers should never use Google as it will make them less original. If more information is needed, read the docs. That’s what they are there for.

Privacy and Security

When a programmer uses Google, there are possible security concerns. While searching about an error message, the programmer could inadvertently expose sensitive information that the client/company does not want exposed. While this is highly unlikely, it is still a possibility and worth a mention.

Information Quality

We all know the sarcastic saying The internet never lies. While it’s pretty common knowledge that not everything you find on internet is true, code is a little more binary. It either works or it doesn’t. That being said, there are still “lies” in code. The code’s quality is a good example. The internet is a mixed bag. Clean code can be found online but you are equally as likely to find dirty code. Another example of a “lie” is the age of the code. The older the code is, the more likely it will not work due to the deprecation of features. These reasons show why programmers cannot trust just any code from Google. It furthers the argument that they should not be using Google for programming at all.

Argument #2: Google is the Perfect Tool for Programming

This brings us to the other side of the argument, Google is a good tool that all programmers should use. Here are some arguments in favor of this side:

Information Resource

Google has endless code samples, tutorials and courses in all different languages and styles. While you cannot trust everything, there is plenty of good information out there. Google can be a helpful tool for programmers to code faster and learn new languages, all of which help when applying for a job or just working on a personal project. The beauty of Google is that it is not limited to any particular language or framework. It provides more information than anyone can know in their lifetime. For these reasons, all programmers should use Google.


Programmers face errors all the time, some of which can be real head-scratchers. This is where Google comes to the rescue. The internet can provide invaluable information that leads to a deeper understanding of why an error happens, and subsequently how to solve it. In these scenarios, the programmer leaves stronger and with a deeper understanding of the code they are writing. Not only that, but Googling error messages leads to faster solutions and thus more efficient coding. Google should certainly be used by all programmers.

Overall Efficiency

Google is designed to give the most effective information you need in the fewest amount of searches. Meaning, if you want to learn a new framework, language, or simply why your code is buggy, Google will make the whole process quick and effective. This is particularly useful when quick problem solving is crucial. It also proves helpful when a programmer wants to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the programming world through articles like this one.

A Compromise?

Overall, there are good points on both sides of the argument, but perhaps the answer is not quite as binary as first discussed. Programmers should not take all information from the internet as true, but that does not necessarily mean they should avoid it all together. And while Googling just any error message is a security risk, removing sensitive information before typing it into google is not a difficult task. In fact, in my experience, most programmers tend to take to a “both” view of the argument. All coders should use Google, but they should use common sense as to what they google, and make an effort to comprehend the code on their clipboard.

Beyond Google

With recent additions like ChatGPT, programming has become easier than ever and tricky bugs can be solved even faster. But tools, like ChatGPT, should be used with the same common sense as when using Google. It is very easy to let the AI think for you, but you will be better off in the long run to use it as a tool, not like a brain.


Google is a useful tool that all programmers should use as long as it helps to better their understanding of code, not as a replacement for learning. I personally take this view, and, being a self-taught programmer, Google has been one of my biggest sources of information.

What’s your take on this ongoing debate? Share your thoughts, insights, and experiences in the comments!

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Professional software engineer since age 14. Programming since age 6. Python is my love language. 🐍