
Chapter 3: The Hueniverse out there

Hue NFTs
3 min readSep 14, 2023

In Chapter 2, we learned about our huero, 1, the solitary Hue. In Chapter 1, we left her, holding the remains of her huesband, 2, and vowing revenge.

Whoever did this is going to pay!

The first night

1 had been running for days, or weeks, or years, or perhaps much, much longer…

She didn’t know how long and it was impossible for her to tell because there was no time at all.

The sky above her was always pink. The land below her was always green. And no matter how hard or fast or far she ran, the shades were always the same.

There came a time — or more accurately, a moment — when 1 stopped.

She felt that her hueart was no longer in it. No longer in the race, had there been a race, or anyone to race with. But there wasn’t. 1 was all alone.

Why do I run, if everywhere I go it’s always the same? I might as well just stand here and do nothing.

Her hueart sank. Deeper and deeper into itself. Until it felt very small and far away.

Is this all there is? Is it all I’m meant to see?

Then suddenly, when her heart felt like it couldn’t sink any deeper, the strangest thing happened...

The pink sky turned black. Pitch black. It was ominous and scary.

And 1, who had been utterly fearless until then, felt afraid for the first time.

It was a strange, complex new emotion. She felt it from the bottom of her feet to the top of her hair. She felt it in her eyes. And in her hueart.

Her hueart that had been sinking was now fluttering, rising faster and faster. It was exhilarating. And it made 1 start running again!

She wasn’t running from anyone or anything. After all, there wasn’t anyone or anything to run from. Or anything to run into.

So she closed her eyes and continued to run. And everywhere she ran, the sky was black. And she was one with it.

1 ran like this — in the darkness with her eyes closed — for a long, long time.

When she finally opened her eyes, she saw the most beautiful sight she had ever seen!

To be continued…

Go on:
Chapter 4: Are hue seeing this?

Go back:
Chapter 2: The solitary Hue
Chapter 1: To split is hueman


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