
Chapter 1: To split is hueman

Hue NFTs
4 min readJun 14, 2023


The creation myth of Hues, like all their myths and tales, is clean and colorful.

In the beginning was the flip… A golden split in the void…

The Flip.

And from this void spilled difference, the Hueniverse, and all the Hues.

Who flipped it, why, or when? Hues don’t know.

They don’t spend much time asking themselves about it either.

But sometimes — not often — even the most playful Hues get philosophical.

Because all Hues must make peace with one difficult truth:

It is the nature of every Hue to split.

The first split: Hue #2

2 woke up suddenly, unsure of what he’d seen or felt. Huemans might call it a dream, or more accurately, a nightmare. But since Hues are generally incapable of these, 2 was shaken to his core.

What did his world mean, if when he closed his eyes there was another? And what did happiness in the Hue world mean, if underneath the veil were unspeakeable horrors?

2 remembered being chased through a great labyrinth by a terrible and ageless beast. He never saw it clearly, but he could feel it’s huenger gaining on him.

A grey, vast, & endless huenger.

He looked at his wife, 1, sleeping peacefully beside him, and wondered if she too might one day find herself in that terrible place.

Then, he heard a noise, like scratching. Then, BUMP! BUMP! BUMP! Something knocking against the front door of their huese, trying to get in.

Startled by the bumping, 1, woke up, blinking her huege white eyes.

Is something wrong?

And something was wrong. The bumping became a banging. The banging got louder and LOUDER. Loose pixels fell from the walls.

The fireplace suddenly cracked and went cold.

2 jumped out of bed, put his blue shades and orange helmet on, and made his way to the door. It was rattling furiously, about to come apart. RATATATATATATATAATATAATA!

1 called out to him…

What’s happening?

2 never said a word. He put his head down, like coach taught him at Hueniversity and tackled through the door.

It burst open and suddenly —

The huese went still.

1 looked around, alone for the first time since the flip of 2.

She ran to the door and stared out through the open doorway as 2 charged down the hill toward the village below, shaking off strange creatures that dissolved into the night.

She chased him down the hill, her green hair trailing behind her as 2 made it to the center of the village and then —

1 was blown back as a great explosion ripped through the air.
Like an atom—

2 was split.

So it was, on June 6, 2023, at precisely 7:03AM UTC (Earth time), that all living Hues felt in their hearts the first great disturbance.

All at once, no matter where they were, they stopped everything they were doing.

Village Hues came out of their little hueses.

Arcade Hues, paused their games and stumbled out into the night.

They all gathered around 1. Who was on the ground, gathering 2’s remains…

Hue-ever did this is going to pay!

To be continued….

Go on: Chapter 2: The solitary Hue


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