Stories and Things

hugh garry
2 min readJan 29, 2015

A new podcast from Storythings coming soon

We’re going to start publishing our own podcast soon. We’ve been talking about it for months now but haven’t yet because procrastination. I’ve often found that the best way to force yourself to do something that you’ve been putting off is to tell the world you’re going to do it. The world can then hold you accountable.

So I mentioned it in last week’s newsletter. And I’m mentioning it again now. If you’ve not got a Storythings podcast in your ears in February please shout abuse at us.

We’ve already decided that to begin with we’re going to use the podcast to experiment with formats, so it will change from week to week. We’re going to publish some of the talks we’ve recorded from The Story over the years. And we are also going to be asking you to get involved too.

To kick things off we wanted to ask you all if you had a thing you hold dear with a story attached to. It could be an item of clothing that reminds you of a special person, a diary that reminds you of a particular time in your life or something that was handed down to you by a relative or friend. Any ’thing’ with a story. If it’s only a small story we want them too.

Tell us about your story and thing here.

Header Image: Magic Madzik: CC BY 2.0

