Lyberius Ennio Taruc
1 min readFeb 15, 2017


Thanks for sharing your insights. It’s true that empaths and narcissits exist on the same but polar planes, the former having an outward disposition, while the latter inwards. Identifying (and accepting) where you are is the first step in personal growth, because we can either be both depending on a given scenario. Nobody wants to associate themselves as being a narcissist because that would be a “bad thing”, but admittedly, there are situations when we become one unconsciously. One thing good about this is that the more we become aware of ourselves, the more we can lean towards the positive side of the pole.



Lyberius Ennio Taruc

I’m an engineer on weekdays, an instructor on weekends, a writer every night, and an artist when I’m a writer. Yeah, I wear too many hats.