The Interpretation

Following the Dream

Michael Huff — Writer of Stuff
4 min readMar 23, 2024
This picture is dark, with an indistinct figure, with some sort of blackening paint banded across the face around the eyes, holding his or her left hand out toward the viewer. The hand, almost pointing right at you, is in clear focus. Nothing else is.
Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

This is the interpretation of a dream I had the other day. You can read it here.

As I shared in The Dream, the interpretation of dreams has a long and Biblical history. Joseph, the favorite son of Abraham who was sold into slavery by his son, had a knack for interpreting dreams with a high level of accuracy. I don’t.

I had a waking dream once. I dreamed that something shot out of my fireplace and caught the whole house on fire. Being a pastor at the time, I spiritualized it and believed for several months that it was God’s promise of revival and church growth. But at a Christmas party we threw that year, my wife was burning a Yule log and she prompted me to give it a poke to keep it going. As I moved towards the fireplace, that dream or vision came to me and suddenly I felt certain that it was literally about that very moment. I told her I thought we should let it go cold.

So we did.

The next morning, when we woke up and came out into the living room, that very log was lying in the middle of the living room floor, which was made of wood. Had we encouraged that log to burn, it may have rolled out onto the floor a burning ember and that would have been the end.

So take anything I say here with a grain of salt.

Now, to the dream. In that dream, the one where Donald Trump held my hand and transformed into someone else, with his hair and then left, while a burning candle was held high and then dropped into the room, where a heavy gas hugged the floor and the entire place blew to smithereens.

After waking up and giving it some thought, it came to me that according to this dream, Donald Trump is not who he appears to be, that there’s someone else behind him, controlling him. I don’t pretend to know who that might be. I’m politically savvy enough these days to have several suggestions, from a shadowy cabal of wealthy white would be Nazi’s wanting to create a racially pure White America, to Putin, commanding a highly placed Russian asset. It could be Melania, for all I know. The dream didn’t say. It was, however, a man’s face where Trumps had been.

The pillar candle held up by the aide and then dropped, was a distraction, something to fix our attention on. It was a prop to put us at ease. A pillar is often viewed as something that holds up a roof or other part of a building. In society, it could be something like the Church, or Education, or Family. But this one was lit, and provided light, so I’m leaning toward the idea that it represents Christianity, used by Trump, in this dream, to put us at ease and draw our attention away from something he doesn’t want us to see.

Then the aide drops it, and it falls into the heavy gas on the floor. The gas is toxic, volatile, and poses a danger. It’s at our feet, something we look down upon, but also overlook. This could be the masses of Trump supporters, many of whom represent less than the finest people America contains — racists, fascists, undemocratic people seeking to overthrow our democracy and bring a sword to the immigrants, the brown-skinned people who are not like them.

I am not saying that describes all of Trumps followers, but however many it suits, it is too many to be comfortable about.

The explosion, which brought the dream to an abrupt end, is a violent and destructive force unleashed upon us by Donald Trump’s actions — the fruit, as it were, of his actions, or perhaps even, the purpose and design from the start — to burn it all down.

I think this dream is probably not prophetic, but just my worried little soul fretting over an uncertain and scary future. But then again, like the log, it might be a warning telling us, don’t go this way.

That’s my take on it. What’s yours?

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Michael Huff — Writer of Stuff

Oscillating rapidly between two points. If you're quick, you'll catch me somewhere between the extremes! Follow for entertainment, inspiration or information.