15 Signs of Spiritual Transformation

Hugh T.
4 min readJan 4, 2024

As someone who seems to do everything in life “the hardest way possible,” you can trust me on this. Maybe it’s because I’m hard-headed! To truly “learn a lesson,’’ I must feel ALL the pain as old knowledge is replaced by a new experience.

Embarking on a journey of spiritual transformation is often a disorienting experience, like navigating through a dark jungle by candlelight. It can be both exhilarating yet lonely, all at once. It is a confusing time, to say the least. Here are some signs that you may be undergoing a spiritual “metamorphosis.” Don’t worry, it’s normal! Breathe!

Detachment from Egoic Identification: one of the first signs is a detachment from things you once strongly identified with. The ego, which clings to external validation, begins to loosen its grip on material possessions, status, and labels. The superficial layers of identity start to peel away, revealing a deeper authentic and original self.

Feeling of Isolation: as your perception shifts, you might find yourself feeling isolated from society. The hierarchical human systems that once provided a sense of belonging may now feel out of sync. This period of isolation is not a disconnection but rather a recalibration of your relationship with the external world.

Spiritual Connection with Nature: a spiritual transformation often fosters a deeper connection with nature. You may find solace and inspiration around certain plants, large bodies of water, or mountains, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things and experiencing a spiritual communion with the Earth.

Heightened Senses and Emotions: your senses become more acute, and emotions intensify. The vibrancy of the world around you takes on new dimensions, and you may find yourself experiencing profound joy, empathy, and even tears as you attune to the deeper currents of existence.

Cognitive Changes: brain fog may cloud your ability to engage with old interests, and your logical problem-solving patterns may slow down.

Fatigue: exhaustion becomes more pronounced, signaling the need to withdraw for rest and reflection. Your body is undergoing a lot of “upgrades.”

Unplugging from “the Matrix”: haha, I could not resist the film reference… spiritual transformation often involves a disinterest in societal constructs like marketing campaigns, social media, fast food, binge drinking, and fashion trends. You begin to see certain systems preying on human weaknesses, so the negative aspects of the material world will lose their allure as you seek a more purposeful existence.

Connectedness and Empathy: you feel a heightened sense of connection to the world, including strangers, and an increased capacity for empathy. This interconnectedness extends beyond just people, extending to all living beings and fostering a deep sense of unity.

Vivid Dreams Aligned with Your Journey: dreams take on a new significance, becoming vivid and directly connected to your spiritual journey. Also, you are suddenly able to remember dreams in a whole new way. Symbols and messages may unfold during the dream state, offering guidance and insights into your evolving path.

Curiosity, Humility, and Intuition: a newfound curiosity and humility emerge as you navigate the realms of the unknown. Your intuition strengthens, guiding you with a quiet “gut” wisdom that transcends logical reasoning.

Déjà Vu and Heightened Intuition: déjà vu becomes a common occurrence, and your intuition sharpens to the point where you can immediately sense inauthenticity and manipulation. The veil between the seen and the unseen begins to thin.

Recognition of Unique Paths: You realize that everyone is on their unique spiritual journey, and each person has their own formula for connecting with the Divine. Judgment transforms into acceptance, and compassion becomes a guiding principle. You stop trying to convince those around you to be more like you.

Your Best Friends Aren’t On Board: this can be pretty uncomfortable. A lot of folks are just not ready, and it can be heartbreaking. Sometimes, they are the people whose respect you want the most, or who you want to “help” the most. Accepting that you are on different paths and timelines can be quite painful, frustrating, and most importantly, humbling. If you truly love someone, you must surrender to the fact that you have to let them go on their own path, and only then, someday you can find your way back together.

Your Friends Think You are Going Nuts: as you start sharing what is happening to you, your friends begin to question your sanity and mental health. “You’ve always been kinda obsessive, maybe you should stop meditating and praying for a while, you’re getting weird.” “You aren’t fun anymore, what happened to the nightclub version of you?” “You are too serious these days, you should see a psychiatrist, you need to get on some meds like me.” People do not like sudden changes in people close to them. This is normal.

Desire to Serve Others: a deep desire to serve others without seeking thanks or recognition emerges.

Supporters Show Up Out of Thin Air: mentors appear seemingly out of nowhere, guiding you on your path and offering wisdom and support at the exact right moment.

So, as I said, you are navigating through a dark jungle by candlelight. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. We’ve been there!



Hugh T.

A skateboarder, hip-hop DJ, father, husband, retired US Marine Gunnery Sergeant, VP of Corporate Strategy, and open-minded Catholic.