How to avoid getting flagged as spam?

What is spam? Spam is a prospecting technique consisting in massively disseminating information by e-mail, often of an advertising nature, not solicited by the recipients. You probably understand, spam is a real burden!



Sometimes you spend several hours creating an emailing campaign for your customers, just to find out that your e-mail is not welcome! Has that ever happened to you? All those hours of work for that?! It is an unpleasant feeling and I will give you some tips on how to avoid this!

You can be detected as spam by customers due to several reasons

1. Have the clients agreed to receive emailing?

Emailing is increasingly being used by companies all over the world. Indeed, it is a good tool to disseminate advertising campaigns or promotional offers. Furthermore, it’s simple, fast and free. However, to send it, companies must have the agreement of their customers. As a matter of fact, you must NEVER send email campaigns to a person who has not given his consent. For example, even if some customers have made a purchase on your website, that does not mean they want to receive promotional emails. If you do not have the customer’s permission and you send him an emailing, he can report you as spam just for this reason. Its objective is to no longer receive mail from you.

2. Always insert unsubscribe link

Instead of reporting you as spam, your customer can unsubscribe from you. Therefore, you can put an unsubscribe link in your email[AG1] . You should put it forward in your mail, for example at the top of it. This way, the customer will unsubscribe and will not report you as spam. It is better to lose a customer than to be reported as spam.

3. Adapt to customers

Besides previous points, you must indicate the frequency of receipt of emails to your clients what to expect from your newsletter. Moreover, you shouldn’t wait long time between the moment that you retrieve an email address and the time that you send an email to this email address.

You can be detected as a spam also by the spam filters of email receiving servers

1. Username and Subject

First, you must keep the same username for each emailing. It is better to put the name of your company. The goal is that your customers recognise you to eventually get their trust. Moreover, be careful about your subject on your emailing . Your subject will be identified and you should avoid some characters like capital letters or some alarming words like “free”, “promotional offers”, “balances”. These words are associated with spam!

2. The contents of your emailing

Furthermore, into your emailing, you must be vigilant regarding several things. Indeed, try to have as much photos as text. The goal is to have a balanced emailing. You should also avoid placing a big picture. In fact, it is preferable to insert several small images.

Try to put these tips into practice! If you want more tips contact us at Hugo.Events!





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