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Deploy to multiple environments with git and CircleCI

Hugo Di Francesco


Easily deploying to multiple environments in a simple manner using GitHub, CircleCI and Heroku.

Continuous Integration is awesome, but sometimes you need a buffer between auto-deploying things on merge and the production release. To do that with CircleCI requires some git branch-wrangling and a few lines of bash scripting. We’ll imagine a scenario where a deploy is trivial (ie. we’ll pretend we’re using Heroku). For more complicated build steps we should still be able to follow similar principles. This is not a CircleCI 2.0 workflows tutorial, it’s more of a git-flow/CircleCI hybrid to have 2 (or more) environments being released to and automatically deployed by CircleCI.

I would like to thanks Chris Fidao, and this tweet:

We’ll go through how to use GitHub + CircleCI for deployment automation and release management.

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A branch setup 🌳

