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Progress and roadblocks: a journey into open-source

Enhancing generators for ES6 in the Sequelize CLI

Hugo Di Francesco
5 min readNov 7, 2018


This is the story of my discovery of ES6-class style model definitions with Sequelize (see Using ES6 classes for Sequelize 4 models). The realisation that the current Sequelize CLI model generator didn’t support it (as is expected since it’s not the most common way of doing it). Finally, the impetus to just implement it myself.

In other words, I started using a style of Sequelize models that the Sequelize CLI didn’t support. I didn’t get an answer on a “feature request” issue, so I just forked it, implemented it and published it.

The Free Open Source Software movement has its ups and downs, its hype and abandoned projects. One of the great aspects of it is that you can always (depending on the license) just fork something and publish it 🙂.

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