Hugo Clarke
6 min readNov 18, 2018


In our previous post, we looked at the link between technology and natural process found in nature. I am of the mind that all technology that is possible already resides in some process in the natural world…Nature already did it. I also believe it is impossible to express anything without the imprint of the original and natural code which governs the process embedded in the expression.

In this post I want to talk to you about the essential component of signal transmission in the technological and the biological cellular network. I also want to touch (rather lightly for now) on the existence of a potential feedback loop that could affect the natural world.

North American Cell Tower Locations

No cell phone signal would go anywhere without antennas to transmit the signal to the receiving device. So before I breakdown how the antennas work, let’s take a quick look at where the Antennas are in North America. Click the image below to see a detailed tower location map.

There are 320,626 or more wireless antennas spread across the North American continent for the existing networks. That’s a lot of Electromagnetic smog generated from this land mass. Let’s look at how the antennas work.


We already know that cell phones use radio waves to communicate with each other. They transport the voice or data in the form of EMF or electromagnetic frequency. These waves move through the air at the speed of light. The transmitted radio waves move in all directions at the same time. The waves can be absorbed or reflected by objects in its path before it reaches the cell tower. As a matter of fact, when the phone is placed by your ear while talking, over half, in many cases, of the energy is absorbed into your head and body.

Signaling Even When I’m Not Talking On The Phone!

Your cellphone still emits EMF when you are not using it. Not the same amount as when you are talking, texting, surfing or playing games…it uses a little less energy but it ISemitting radiation. Your phone is constantly connecting with the tower to maintain a persistent internet connection. That is how App notification, iMessage notifications, dashboard updates and a host of other functions that keep the phone and the network synchronized is achieved. So yes, even when you are not talking on your phone, if it is on and in close proximity, you will be bathed in EMF energy emitted from your phone…not to mention the myriad of other phones, towers and IoT devices close by.

Cell Tower Antenna Range

A signal from a tower can be picked up by a typical cell phone that is up to 45 miles away. Some technologies such as GSM has a maximum range of 22 miles (35 Kilometers) due to technical limitations related to the highly accurate timing protocol to function reliably. The coming 5G network will have an approximate range of 1500 feet (500M). This will require network densification, a term that simply means there will need to be a hell of a lot more antennas for this type of network. Possibly an antenna at every city block which could mean millions of new antennas deployed within a network. Check out this CIO article “5G could require cell towers on every street corner

By 2020 there is expected to be 4 connected devices per human on the planet. According to the research done by the Business Insider, this will represent some 24 Billion internet connected devices worldwide. This staggering number does not include the connected cars of the future, appliances like your refrigerator or thermostat. That bottle of juice in the fridge that can monitor the juice level and based on settings you have configured, notify the fridge, notify you directly or place an order for a new bottle that a third-party connected provider could fulfill. All this will be possible in the (IoT) internet of things. As these connected devices PERSISTENTLY ping the 5G and future networks, there will be unfathomable amounts of data streaming over- the- air (EMF) electromagnetic frequency. Let me give you my take on what your BIOLOGICAL CELLS think of this.

So Now… Let’s Talk Cell Biology

Your body is a holographic canvas that biochemically undergoes over 400 Billion chemical reactions every SECOND of the day that generates 10 Million Volts per meter in your body. The body stores the energy at the cellular level in two ways, the Transmembrane Potential (TMP) and Adenosine Triphosphate or (ATP). TMP is the voltage across the cell membrane which the cells use for metabolism. ATP has a high energy phosphate bond that when broken releases electrons in a high energy state which the cell also uses for metabolism.

Healthy cells have a cellular voltage of 70 millivolts or higher. Cancerous cells have a very low cellular voltage, typically 20 millivolts or lower. So just like the cell phone antenna towers, biological cells need power to transmit and receive signals from the environment. These signals and their strengths translate to specific functions and processes the biological cell will perform just like cell phone antenna towers. For example cell tower antennas need to perform functions like device connection, data transmission, handover processes when a device is approaching communication range outter-limits etc. Biological cells perform functions like respiration, digestion, contraction, waste removal etc. In both cases voltage and power is integral to their proper functioning.

To transmit and receive messages, biological cells have antennas located all over the surface of its membrane. These antennas are made of proteins and there are thousands of them scattered throughout the surface area of the membrane. They receive signals, which is translated into a specific jobs or functions produced within the cell. Just like the cell phone tower antenna receives a digitized signal transmitted by the device, locates the receiving device and then transmits the signal to the device if within range of the tower. If the device is not within range, then the tower will hop the signal from tower to tower until it moves the signal within the range of the receiving device then transmit the signal to the device. The receiving device will receive the digitized signal, convert it to an electrical signal then back to voice. This all happens on the receiving handset device. Checkout this video from the Amoeba Sisters…It explains some of the basics around biological cell signaling.

Cell phone antennas function remarkably similarly to the cell membrane antennas that receive and transmit signals. Mirroring each other this closely makes one optimistic that a definite feedback channel could exist between the biological cellular network (human body) and the engineered Cell phone network (3G, 4G, 5G, LTE) We will talk more about this in the upcoming posts.

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