Python version share over time, 3

January 2016 — December 2018

2 min readJan 1, 2019

To celebrate the release of Python 3.7.2 on Christmas Eve 2018, and with under a year left for Python 2, here’s some statistics showing how much different Python versions have been used over the past three years.

Here’s the pip installs for all packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI), between January 2016 and December 2018:

For the NumPy scientific computing library:

For the pytest testing framework:

For the Pillow imaging library:

For the Django web framework:

For the matplotlib 2D plotting library:

For the Pylint linter:

And for the pylast interface to


Statistics were collected using, a wrapper around pypinfo to fetch all monthly downloads from the PyPI database on Google BigQuery and save them as JSON files. Data was downloaded over several days as getting all months uses up a lot of free BigQuery quota. Then plots a chart using matplotlib. Raw JSON data is in the repo.

See also

