Many people asked me what do I do as an epigenneur? The term “epigenneur” is a portmanteau of “epigenetics” and “entrepreneur.” It refers to individuals, often entrepreneurs or business leaders, who apply the principles of epigenetics to their ventures, particularly in the fields of health, wellness, and biotechnology.

GOW Hui Yian
5 min readJun 4, 2024


In a nutshell, I am the connector or facilitator to guide you to discover the best in you, and more importantly, so that you could be you, and you be the best version of you in terms of health and well-being.

What is Epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by various factors, including environmental factors, lifestyle, and diet. Epigenetics explores how these external factors can turn genes on or off, impacting an individual’s health and development.

Characteristics of an Epigenneur

Innovative Mindset: Epigenneurs leverage on cutting-edge scientific research in epigenetics to develop innovative products and services, that could help people in terms of health at the gene expression level.

Health and Wellness Focus: They are often involved in creating personalized health solutions, such as nutrigenomics, fitness programs, and preventative health strategies.

Data-Driven Approach: Epigenneurs utilize big data and advanced analytics to understand and predict how lifestyle and environmental factors affect gene expression.

Holistic View: They consider the interplay between genes, environment, and lifestyle to create comprehensive health and wellness solutions.

The Holistic “Nature with Nurture” Approach: Empowering Health through the 3 P Holistic Strategy

Introducing the 3 P Holistic Strategy

The “nature with nurture” approach can be further enhanced through the 3 P holistic strategy: Predictive, Preventive, and Personalized. This comprehensive method ensures that we take informed, proactive, and tailored steps to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Predictive: Using DNA as a Blueprint

Predictive measures involve understanding your genetic predispositions through DNA testing. This process provides a customized DNA report that serves as a blueprint for your health.

  • DNA Testing: By conducting a DNA test, you can gain insights into your genetic makeup, including potential health risks, nutritional needs, and how your body responds to various environmental factors.
  • Customized DNA Report: This report acts as a roadmap, highlighting areas where you may be genetically predisposed to certain conditions or where you might benefit from specific lifestyle adjustments.

Preventive: Proactive Lifestyle Changes

Preventive measures focus on making lifestyle changes to mitigate risks identified in your DNA report. These changes are crucial in influencing gene expression positively.

Understanding the “Nature with Nurture” Preventive Approach

The “nature with nurture” approach emphasizes the dynamic interplay between our genetic makeup (nature) and our environment and lifestyle choices (nurture). This perspective, rooted in the field of epigenetics, reveals how external factors can influence gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself.

The Power of Knowledge and Action

It’s empowering to know that while our genes play a role in our health, they are not our destiny. Research shows that only about 30% of our current health status is determined by our genetic makeup. This means that a significant 70% of our health can be influenced by our lifestyle choices and environment.

The 70%: Taking Control of Your Health

By leveraging the 70%, you can significantly improve your health and well-being through daily choices:

  • Healthy Diet: Adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can significantly impact your overall health.
  • Well-Formulated Supplements: Incorporating supplements that are scientifically backed and tailored to your genetic needs can address nutritional gaps and support optimal health.
  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, including aerobic exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises, helps maintain cardiovascular health, improve mood, and boost energy levels.
  • Other Healthy Habits: Ensuring adequate sleep, managing stress, and staying hydrated are essential components of a preventive approach to health.

Personalized: Tailored Solutions Based on Your DNA

Personalized solutions involve creating health plans and interventions that are specifically suited to your genetic profile. This customization ensures that the strategies you implement are the most effective for you.

  • Personalized Nutrition Plans: Based on your DNA report, you can tailor your diet to include foods that are most beneficial for your body and avoid those that may cause adverse reactions.
  • Customized Exercise Programs: Your genetic makeup can inform which types of exercise are most effective for you, allowing you to maximize the benefits of your workouts.
  • Targeted Health Interventions: Personalized solutions also extend to other aspects of health, such as stress management techniques, sleep routines, and preventative screenings that align with your genetic predispositions.

Why the 3 P Holistic Approach is Empowering

The 3 P holistic approach is empowering because it provides a clear, actionable path to better health:

  • Predictive Insight: Knowing your genetic predispositions allows you to anticipate potential health issues and address them before they become significant problems.
  • Preventive Actions: Making informed lifestyle changes helps reduce the risk of developing genetic predispositions into actual health conditions, significantly enhancing your quality of life.
  • Personalized Care: Tailoring your health strategies to your unique genetic profile ensures that you’re implementing the most effective measures for your body, leading to better results and sustained well-being.

The “nature with nurture” approach, complemented by the 3 P holistic strategy, underscores the significant control we have over our health. By leveraging predictive insights from DNA testing, taking preventive actions through lifestyle changes, and implementing personalized solutions, we can optimize our health outcomes and achieve a state of well-being that aligns with our genetic blueprint. This approach not only empowers us to make informed decisions but also encourages proactive management of our health, ultimately leading to a healthier, happier life.

This means that our DNA is not our destiny. We can write the script of our life.

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GOW Hui Yian

Epigenetics / Gene Expression Science Advocate, Founder of #PainNoMore #Courage&Passion Communities