What if you Win ?

Hujjat Nazari
1 min readJul 4, 2017


what if you win ?

Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners.

You might have been in a situation when you have challenged someone in a race. You try to watch every second your opponent and see how they are running and how fast they are and what if they win? If you focus on how they are running, you surely lose the race. You might have seen such sense in movie where the hero is way back from the number one racer. But, when he start thinking about the past and how hard he has come so far, he realize the good and the bad times, he start to run faster. Finally he wins.

We have the same challenges in our daily life. If you focus how other people are running their business or improving themselves. You never gonna succeed. Those thing just distract and weaken you strengthen.

If you really want something, go for it with all your heart and soul. Don’t focus on what’s happening around you.




Hujjat Nazari

Full-Stack Developer. Love PHP, Laravel, Vuejs, Alpine, and Shopify Expert.