Unicorny Tales

Foolhardy moments in the tree house

Pamela Edwards
1 min readNov 8, 2018

Playing with Words

Waterfalls of your contradictions splatter the branches in sentence fragments, participles dangling, metaphors mixing.

Your Demons have a Pecking Disorder

Your demons are unique to you, like fingerprints, or DNA, or the patterns radiating from your irises like tree roots.

Unhinged Blessings

‘May you feel balanced, even as your life spirals out of control,’ you say to anyone who needs to hear it — mostly yourself.

Living in a Tree House, you Pine for the Forest

“I believe in you.” You say to the unicorns. Silence. The feeling may not be mutual.

When things get out of proportion: You Grow Out of Your Garden.

It seems you have misplaced your garden, not your mind. But you check, just in case…

Will You Fly?

Life in an enchanted garden is not all roses. You have tough spells.

Trails from the Tree House

You try to act normal, but let’s face it, the odds are against you.

When you want to be more complete: How to Be a Complete Fool.

All you wanted to do was to be complete. You thought that getting there would be like doing sit-ups, noble but vaguely unpleasant work.

