What products & improvements are new on AWS?

Sean Hull
3 min readJan 7, 2017


Amazon is releasing new products & services to it’s global cloud compute network at a rate that has all of our heads spinning.

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Here’s new stuff worth mentioning around databases & data.


Moving data from your transactional MySQL or Arora database to your reporting database isn’t always easy.

In the past you could use a service like xplenty or Alooma.

Now Amazon themselves are getting into the ETL game, providing a new service called Glue.

Also: RDS or Mysql? 10 use cases

2. Query S3 with Athena

Chances are if you’re using AWS for anything, you’ve got data in S3. And wouldn’t it be nice to pick that apart and dig through it, where it sits?

Oracle had a feature called “external tables” and MySQL had something similar. Now Amazon is offering that native within it’s own cloud universe. Thanks to some tricky lambda code, now you can do that. Don’t worry how they did it, because it’s been packaged into a nice easy service for your use!

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3. Business Intelligence with QuickSight

If you’re a data driven startup, and who isn’t these days, you’re going to have a business unit building reports. Tableau or Looker may be in your wheelhouse.

Amazon is obviously seeing the opportunity here, and competing with their own partners. Check out Amazon Quicksight for details.

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4. Expanded RDS

RDS is obviously a very popular offering. And even though zero downtime is very hard to achieve with RDS, you’ll save plenty on DBAs and admins you don’t have to hire!

If you hadn’t heard, there is now MariaDB support. And with it, there’s a migration from MySQL to Mariadb as well.

Using Mariadb may bring you performance advantages & improvements. But RDS may mitigate this by productize & standarizing things.

You can also now move encrypted snapshots across regions. In my view this isn’t really a new feature, but rather fixing something that was broken before. The previous limitation was really more a symptom of their global network of data centers, than any built feature per se.

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5. Expanded Redshift

As I’ve blogged before, everybody is excited about Redshift these days.

Amazon has introduced some new features.

o better loading of sorted data

This is done behind the scenes to load data quickly, and keep it stored efficiently. No more vacuuming after a big load!

o user & database rate limiting

Limit connections on a per user or per database level. Useful!

o storage estimates on analyze

When you perform the analyze command, you can get storage information so it’s easier to decide datatypes & compression type. Nifty!

Also: Is Redshift outpacing Hadoop as the big data warehouse for startups?

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Originally published at Scalable Startups.



Sean Hull

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