huma kirmani
Oct 10, 2021

Chronicles of Science Behind the Atom Bomb

Nuclear Chronology He Wrote

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

Nuclear fission as love's embrace

An atom splits after neutron bombardment

An unstable isotope fission by the most stable one

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan as a magnet who held are hearts

Beside simmering ember protons trace

The love that stirs each Möbius strip

The Pride

And the Prejudice

And gyrations grow so wild and furious

The land became Greener than before

When gases noble as fair Helios

The tale of isotopes

Uranium-235 aPlutonium-239

Quicken their dance from slow to fast

Whose frozen coils contain the beast

Neutrons join together for the trip

The Khan began centrifuge work

He Came , He Saw , He Conquered !

Or our world would never be the same

Adieu !

huma kirmani

nobleness made simple as fire,with beauty like a tightened bow not natural in an age like this,high solitary most stern Was there another Troy for her to burn?