Walking on Treadmills vs. Outdoor Walking: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

5 min readSep 10, 2023


Picture this: You’re getting ready to go for your daily walk when it’s a crisp morning and the sun is just peeking over the horizon. But here’s the dilemma that frequently plagues me: Should I visit the outdoors and walk on the pavement, or should I go to the gym and use a treadmill? Which one leads to weight loss more effectively? So, my fellow fitness fanatic, let’s lace up and investigate the big argument between treadmill walking versus outside walking. We’ll analyse the research behind each, discuss our own experiences, and perhaps aid you in determining which approach is best for your weight loss goals.

Treadmill Walking: The Pros and Cons

Start off by talking about the indoor champion: the treadmill. There is nothing quite like the boredom of the gym, right?


  1. Controlled Environment: Treadmills provide a controlled, even surface that is friendly for the joints. You don’t have to be concerned about sloping ground or bad weather.
  2. Accurate Tracking: The majority of treadmills have digital screens that keep tabs on your speed, distance, and calorie expenditure. This might inspire you and assist in establishing specific exercise objectives.
  3. Safety and Convenience: No matter the time of day or the weather, you can use the treadmill. There is no need to be concerned about potential safety issues when walking outside, particularly in dark or crowded areas.


  1. Boredom Factor: Let’s face it, walking on a treadmill can get really boring. Your motivation may wain if you keep looking at the same wall or TV screen while the minutes tick by.
  2. Lack of Variety: The homogeneous surface and absence of natural components can make your workouts monotonous. Your body might become acclimated to the same activities, thus reducing your weight loss progress.
  3. Environmental Disconnect: Being indoors may cause you to lose sight of the wonders of the outdoors and the sensation of freedom that comes with walking outside.

Outdoor Walking: The Pros and Cons

Let’s go outside now and learn more about outdoor walking. What’s not to love about fresh air, shifting landscapes, and a dose of unpredictability?


  1. Natural Terrain: Walking outside requires navigating a variety of terrain, including hills, pathways, and even sandy beaches. By doing so, more calories are burned than on a flat treadmill surface, and various muscle groups are used.
  2. Mood Booster: Being in nature naturally lifts your spirits. Your mental health can improve, and stress can be reduced, by taking in the sights, sounds, and fragrances of nature.
  3. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for overall health and is produced by your body when you walk outside in the sunlight.


Weather dependence: Mother Nature doesn’t always work in our favour. Outdoor walking can become unpleasant and perhaps risky in situations such as rain, snow, heat waves, or cold snaps.

  1. Security concerns: Safety issues when walking on pavements or streets can arise, particularly in crowded urban areas. Follow security guidelines and remain conscious of your surroundings at all times.
  2. Uneven Terrain: While a pro, different terrain can also be a disadvantage if you’re not acclimated to it. Uneven surfaces can make you more likely to get hurt, particularly if you have joint problems.

The Calorie Myth: A Scientific Analysis

Let’s now use a more scientific approach. The question “Which burns more calories: outdoor walking or a treadmill?” may be on your mind. The answer, however, is not simple.

According to studies, when the speed and intensity are the same, the amount of calories burned while walking on a treadmill and while walking outside might be relatively similar. However, the advantage of outside walking is frequently the variety of terrain, which can use more muscle groups and possibly result in a larger calorie burn. But there’s a catch: the change might not be enough of a difference to influence your weight loss journey solely.

Personal Views: Walking outside vs. using a treadmill

Let’s hear from some genuine folks who have experienced both sides of the spectrum to help clarify the argument.

Sarah’s Opinion (Trail Lover):**

I love using the treadmill! It’s how I escape the craziness of everyday life. I can put on my headphones, watch my preferred TV programmes, and log miles. I am confident that I can work out in any weather. Additionally, the calorie counter inspires me to exert more effort.

My Perspective (Outdoor Enthusiast):

“Any day, give me the open road! Before I found the thrill of walking outside, I used to hate working out. I enjoy the challenge of tackling hills and trails, and the changing scenery keeps me interested. It’s an adventure as well as a workout.

It’s all about you

So, which is more effective for losing weight: jogging on a treadmill or walking outside? There isn’t a universal solution; that’s a fact. It comes down to your unique preferences, way of life, and objectives.

Select a treadmill. If:

  1. You crave a structured, predictable atmosphere.
  2. Your fitness regimen needs to be convenient and safe.
  3. You like using digital displays to monitor your progress.
  4. The gym is a welcoming and inspiring environment for you.

Select outdoor walking if

  1. You enjoy diversity, shifting vistas, and open spaces.
  2. Effects that improve your mood and relieve stress are crucial for your health.
  3. You enjoy nature’s sights, noises, and the sensation of fresh air.
  4. The thrill of adventure that comes with exploring the outdoors drives you.

Mixing It Up: The Winning Approach

You don’t have to choose between the two; I’ll let you in on a little secret. Including both treadmill and outdoor walking in your programme can be effective. On days when you require a controlled setting, use the treadmill; on days when you crave a change of scenery, embrace outdoor walks.


The most effective walking regimen is ultimately the one you’ll maintain. When it comes to weight loss, consistency is essential, and you’re more likely to stick with it if you enjoy the activity you choose.

So, embrace what works best for you, whether you’re team treadmill, team outdoor, or even a combination of both. When you need variety, switch things up, and most importantly, enjoy yourself while you make the transition to a healthier, happier version of yourself. After all, the journey of losing weight is an adventure worth taking.




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