The Ultimate Guide on Using Technology to Boost Nonprofit Fundraising

5 min readJan 2, 2024


Why Do Donors Donate? Why Do Donors Stop Donating? Read more…

Welcome to the digital era, where technology not only surrounds us but also plays a crucial role in the success of nonprofit fundraising.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll navigate the realms of donor engagement, reasons why donors give (and stop giving), and how nonprofits can leverage technology to enhance their fundraising efforts.

Understanding Donor Motivations

Before delving into the tech-driven strategies, let’s understand why donors contribute to nonprofit fundraisers and why some may choose to step back.

Why Do Donors Donate?

1. Mission-Focused Altruists: Many donors are driven by the desire to give back and support causes globally. Identifying and targeting these altruistic individuals should be a priority for nonprofits.

2. Trust in Your Nonprofit: Trust is paramount. According to the Donor Trust Report, nearly 64% of donors emphasize the importance of trusting a charity before contributing. Nonprofits must prioritize transparency, effective communication, and building trust.

3. The Social Aspect: People love to be part of something bigger. Peer-to-peer fundraising events create a sense of teamwork and enjoyment, fostering stronger donor relationships.

4. Personal Connection to the Cause: Donors, whether personally affected or through close connections, are more likely to contribute to a cause that resonates with them on a personal level.

Personal Connection to the Cause

Why Do Donors Stop Donating?

1. Communication Missteps: Striking the right balance in communication is crucial. Donors may disengage if they feel bombarded or neglected. Finding the sweet spot ensures a healthy donor relationship.

2. Financial Changes: Life events like buying a house or unexpected bills can impact donors’ financial situations, prompting them to pause or alter their contributions. Maintaining communication during such times is key.

donors’ financial situations

3. Feeling Taken for Granted: Donors appreciate gratitude. A simple thank-you can go a long way. If donors feel unappreciated or taken advantage of, they might reconsider their support.

4. Lack of Transparency: Nonprofits must be transparent about how donations are used. Without clarity, donors may hesitate to continue their support.

Navigating the Digital Landscape

In a world dominated by screens, nonprofits must adapt to digital platforms to connect with donors effectively.

  1. Reaching Donors through Social Media
Reaching Donors through Social Media

- Platform Preferences: Different age groups favor different platforms. While Facebook appeals to Gen X and baby boomers, Gen Z and millennials engage more on Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Twitter.

- Impact of Social Media: As a top analytics companies in Canada, we recognize that an impressive 55% of individuals who interact with nonprofit organizations on social media ultimately take action, and of that group, 59% contribute donations.

2. Maximizing the Use of Fundraising Apps

- Smartphone Penetration: With 81.6% of Americans owning smartphones, fundraising apps provide nonprofits with a direct line to potential donors.

- Customization and Control: Fundraising apps offer more control and customization, enhancing the overall donor experience.

3. Virtual Fundraising Events for Nonprofits

- Adapting to the Virtual Landscape: In today’s global climate, virtual fundraising events are essential. Whether it’s a virtual walk, run, ride, livestream fundraiser, or online auction, nonprofits are expanding their reach through digital means.

- Online Charity Auctions: When executed properly, online charity auctions can be highly successful in driving revenue. Planning, promoting, and staying engaged are crucial steps for success.

4. Bring Peer-to-Peer & DIY Fundraising Events Online

- Flexibility of DIY Events: Unlike traditional peer-to-peer events, DIY events allow supporters to participate on their terms. This flexibility can attract a wider audience and support base.

5. Mobile Donations and Online Fundraising

- Accessibility and Reach: Mobile fundraising options reach donors on the go. Incorporating “Donate Now” buttons and optimized donation pages ensures a seamless online giving experience.

- Encouraging Recurring Donations: Prompting donors for recurring contributions can create a steady and reliable source of funding.

The Tech Revolution: CRM for Nonprofits

As we embrace the possibilities of technology, the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in nonprofit fundraising cannot be overstated.

What Does a CRM Do for Nonprofits?

- Data Solutions for Nonprofits: CRMs offer comprehensive data solutions, allowing nonprofits to understand donor behavior, preferences, and engagement levels.

- The Best CRM for Nonprofits in 2024: In the current landscape, choosing the right CRM is paramount. Blackbaud’s Fundraising Software Solutions, including Raiser’s Edge, stand out as leaders in the field.

- Cloud Fundraising CRM: Embracing cloud-based CRM solutions enhances accessibility, collaboration, and data security.

Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Nonprofit Fundraising

As nonprofits navigate the complex landscape of donor engagement and retention, integrating technology becomes not just a choice but a necessity. The best nonprofits in 2024 are those that seamlessly blend human connection with digital innovation.

So, whether you’re exploring data solutions for nonprofits, searching for the best CRM, or aiming to enhance your fundraising strategy, remember — the future of nonprofit success lies in embracing the endless possibilities that technology has to offer.

Let’s embark on this journey together, creating positive change one digital step at a time.

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