Encourage Learning Motivation of Aisyiyah Penatarsewu Kindergarten Students, Umsida KKN-T Creates This Method

Umsida Menyapa
3 min readSep 9, 2024


Pic by KKN T 24

KKN-T Group 24 of the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) focuses their activities on student learning motivation in Penatarsewu village. This activity is carried out every Thursday, starting from July 15, 2024 and will continue until the end of KKN at Aisyiyah Penatarsewu Kindergarten.

This teaching activity aims to provide student learning motivation, improve the quality of education, and provide academic support in the village. Furthermore, they also help students’ understanding and skills in various subjects through interactive and innovative teaching methods.

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For example, reading, writing, and arithmetic as well as additional skills that can support their learning, provide additional motivation so that they are more enthusiastic about learning. Every Thursday, teaching activities start at 07:30 WIB and last until 11:00 WIB.

Learning activities

There are several activities that they implement in this school. The first is the teaching session. The KKN T 24 group teaches students using interactive and fun methods.

The activities taught at Aisyiyah Kindergarten are learning to read the alphabet, learning to count numbers, learning to subtract and add, learning to recite the Quran. The material is adjusted to the school curriculum and student needs.

And the second is group activities. Students are divided into small groups to do various activities such as group discussions, educational games, and mini projects designed to deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

This activity received full support from the school, including the principal, teachers, and staff.

“Alhamdulillah, the presence of KKN students at Aisyiyah Penatarsewu Kindergarten can help in terms of learning and there are other creative ideas that are channeled to the children,” said Zula, a teacher at Aisyiyah Penatarsewu Kindergarten.

The presence of the T 24 KKN group was greeted with enthusiasm by students and parents, who greatly appreciated this additional academic support. Good cooperation between KKN-T, schools, and the local community is the key to the success of this activity.

Increased student learning motivation

Pic by KKN T 24

During this activity period, there was a significant increase in student learning motivation and their understanding of the subject matter. Children showed clear progress in basic skills such as reading, counting, and social interaction.

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Their enthusiasm for learning increased, as reflected in their active participation in various class activities and their greater interest in the material presented.

This is certainly a positive indicator of the effectiveness of the teaching methods applied, indicating that the approach used has succeeded in triggering children’s curiosity and enthusiasm.

In addition, the positive feedback received from students, teachers, and parents reinforces the impression that this activity has had a very beneficial impact on education in Penatarsewu village. All of this confirms how important this kind of activity is in supporting children’s holistic development and motivating their learning.

Author: Dewi Nurus Silmi

Editor: Romadhona S.

